Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Womens Rights

For centuries women here and elsewhere were treated as second class citizens. In many countries even today women are no more than slaves or property to be used and abused. In Canada women were slowly recognized as equals but not without a battle. The right to vote, be professionals, have control over their bodies and partake in the political world are taken for granted these days.

Be cautious and wary as there is a movement in this country at the highest levels to erode these hard won equal rights. The free choice issue has been at the center of many political policy agendas. Abortion rules are being developed to change the free choice legislation. Our prime minister is taking abortion off the agenda for the G8 discussions in spite of the growing need for aid to the tortured women of the Congo and others. Other G8 members are appalled.

Human rights has always been an issue in the world of international trade and still we permit monitory gain over rights. Young people and women in particular are exploited by business folk who are interested in the profit line and not the welfare line. We talk of equal rights but use a large portion of our resources propping up dictators and governments who are insensitive to the living conditions of the people they govern. The African question is such a huge problem that we do not know where to start.

Here in Canada we have a man who has dedicated his life to the African people and the aids epidemic. Mr Lewis is a world leader and I have heard him speak passionately on behalf of the women of Africa.He is frustrated in his battle because countries give a promise of help but have rules that are contrary to a plan that will work. Some major contributors will not let the funds to be used for condoms or birth control. Churches do the same in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

The right wing conservative movement in many political parties are thinking in the dark ages but mark my words, they are a powerful agent in setting social programs in our countries. One small but significant item was raised here in Ontario a few weeks ago. Funding for the pride week celebrations in Toronto were cancelled this year after the minister for the government lost her control over her budget for having her picture with the planners of gay pride parade in the paper. This is the largest such celebration in the world and impacts the city to the tune of half a billion dollars by some estimates.

There must be respect for that dividing line between the church and the state. The reason for the government cancelling the funding was the uproar from the religious right. Sad.

The big losers in the future will be women and minorities, just look at history.

1 comment:

  1. You know my feelings on the subject. I feel like we are rolling backwards and I can feel the erosion of women's choices. Scary stuff.


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