Saturday is usually a work day and I have so much to do. Awake and up at seven with high hopes of completing some of the hundred add chores. Up to Canadian Tire to get first crack at the Geraniums on sale for $1.97 and there was so much choice I wasted time trying to get the very best for our pots which sit on our front step. Rushing home and immediately mixing the earth from last year with fresh smelling sheep manure and compost brought me to lunch hour.
Half way through lunch daughter number three came in to visit after she dropped of her son from baseball practise. A phone call from my oldest granddaughter asking if I was busy as she and two other grand kids wanted a visit, This was priority number one so we piled in to our family room along with daughter number three and we had a great talk of world affairs and some less heavy gossip.
Two of the grandsons decided a pool game would be fun so they went to the basement and started a game. The front door opened and daughter number one burst in with her usual friendly self and after that I listened as it is hard to get a word in when the daughters spring forth about women's rights and the state of the union.
I went downstairs to watch the pool game but kept one ear to the noise up above. After three games of pool which was won by the 14 year old we moved in with the crowd who were now ready for a cup of tea. Discussion about the next week double birthday hog wrestle resulted in everything ok for the event. Further discussion about the upcoming yard sale to help with the building a school in Africa again resulted in plans all ok.
Two and a half hours later the grand children and daughter left and we were left with daughter number one and a quiet planning session around the events of the next few weeks. Great to be close enough to be able to communicate with family face to face on a weekly basis and in some cases daily.
Work was forgotten nearly but there is always tomorrow. Clean the fish ponds, plant the beans and beets and mow the front lawn. What is better than to have a break from work because of the visit of my loved ones. All I can say is I was rescued by the most important thing in my life after family.....thank you kids.
Ahhh. You are most welcome Pops! I thought you were having a famjam without me -- couldn't believe the crowd that had assembled. And that is the party before the party next week!