Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Care

Yesterday was the time when I have my yearly health checkup. My doctor allows 45-60 minutes for the complete medical examination. Before I attend his office for the hands on examination I have a battery of blood tests, psa, electra cartography and other preventative blood work to give my Dr. information to keep me healthy.

He calls himself a wellness doctor and he makes sure I have the advice and material evidence of the condition of my working systems. Every aspect of my health is discussed from nutrition to exercise, alcohol intake to smoking , sleep needs to weight loss and so on.

I am a senior and all this is free for the asking. Our health plan enables all of us to be served with the same level of care. If drugs are required we have free drugs for seniors but everyone has basic coverage.

With this great debate in the USA I can only wish for the people of America with health issues and needs wake up and support universal health coverage. I have heard so much malicious untruths being spread by vested interests ,it makes me angry and sick for the needy. Yes , there are flaws in our system but no child, no adult nor anyone residing in this country is denied health care free. I use this term free loosely as there is a cost which is met through our tax system and everyone who pays taxes will share the burden . The very poor, the handicapped and the old receive the same care even though they are unable to share the cost.

My wish is that before the decision is made that the true facts are known, for it will be a slam dunk for universal health care in the USA. When I talk to my American friends about health care while I reside in Florida for 6 months every year I am appalled at the fear people have that somehow health care for the masses is related to socialism. It is related but in a good way. The only way you can afford the required level of health care is for all to share the cost. If that is bad so be it and tell that to the families who cannot afford the needed operation to correct health issues or to mothers who avoid going to the Dr because she has to choose that visit or food for the table.

America has a big decision and the only way we can help is to be vocal in support and helpful in stating the facts.


  1. Thank you for this post. Yes, we in the States need facts and the will to create a universal program.

  2. We have a great doctor Pops! And when I am filing my income taxes I think with pride how those dollars are spent to care for our sick and educate our youth. Lucky us.


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