Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gardens Make and Keep Friends Together

Doug and I have been friends for about 40 years. We have much in common as we worked together, played several sports on the same team and had gardens. Doug comes from a Scottish background as his parents came to Canada when times were tough and nurtured a fruit orchard in the St Lawrence lowlands. Life had to be tough for all Canadians at that time but with conversations with Doug times were really tough for new Canadians.

When we worked together I found that Doug had knowledge about fruit trees. I often asked him for help but he seemed to be a little reluctant to share his secrets. He became more forthcoming when he had his large garden along the Madawaska River near the Prior. He became very attentive with his growing of trees, flowers and vegetables.

When I phone him I always know that we have something in common. We both love nature and anything that grows. He has a large half acre and I envy him but live in reflected glory of the trees he had planted. He takes great pride in his beautiful arbour and I know he knows every tree by name .

I love to visit he and his wife at least once a year.We talk of old times, gardens, play pool and have a game of golf. Who wins is not important but the time I share with him is. Doug and his wife were married the year I moved to Pembroke she was a girl from the country, Beachburg Country actually so it was easy to see how Doug became a green gardener. We hope to get up there in a week or two and have a visit and maybe a boat ride on the Mighty Madawaska.

I will bring up some surplus strawberry plants and a few chestnuts to add to his already flourishing forest. People who garden always have something in common and close to the earth but it does not have much in common with our politics as Doug is still in a growing stage.We banter about federal politics but I bet we would agree one hundred percent on everything GREEN.

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