Sunday, September 20, 2009


It is that time of the year again and if you have a population of squirrels in your neighbourhood, you know it is fall time. Mother Nature knew people need variety in their life so she bestowed a special gift to those who live in climates with distinct seasons.Every season has its own characteristics but fall is special as it the season of bounty, beauty and plenty.

Most seasons come gradually but fall with it's growing season ending with harvesting of crops it seems to have more impact. Vast changes in the dress the earth wears and brilliant colours shock the eye when the sun shines through our red maples and turns our countryside into a panorama of beauty.

No season offers more apparent change. Theresa and I drove through our farming area on the way to the land fill site earlier in the week and were treated to vista's of yellow grain, shades of brown and purple as the farmers worked frantically to gather the harvest in the best weather we had on record. Perfect conditions to complete the summer of plenty amounts to prosperity for the farmer. The cows are fat and the babies of the land had a lush summer to grow .

Fall is the season for planning and to make the best use of our resources. Farmers never have it easy but in good years with bountiful crops the prices seem to go down so decisions have to be made as to timing for the sale of their product. I personally love to see our farmer families flourish as they are the backbone of our nation.

After praising the value of changing seasons ,many of us seek southern climates during our winters to enjoy endless summer. Having experienced years in extreme climate conditions I find the warm days and nights at our winter home heals the pain of arthritis. Fall gives me a chance to experience natures bounty and still have time to run for the shelter of the south in October.

1 comment:

  1. Is it almost that time already??? Your leaving is a reminder that the snow will fly not far behind you!


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