Thursday, August 27, 2009

Senate Appointments

Our Prime Minister promised that when he was the person in control of the appointments to our Senate, he would be transparent. He is not transparent, as he broke all of his promises and is the same as all the past PM - he went to the party hacks in his appointments.

I shall never trust a conservative PM who promised to have elections for the office of Senator and then make the most blatant twenty appointments in our country's history. All are conservative hacks and in some cases - without merit - totally beyond the hope for something different.

This PM is a disgrace to truth and promise of something different. He has been a utter disappointment on the world scene and as a person whose agenda which will lead this nation from a caring to a right wing country, all for the rich venue. I had hoped for better but we have received less than we expected.

The next few months will see our country faced with another election and I hope the next leader will be a caring, honest person who will not micro-manage the parliament and leave some room for members to voice their opinions. We still have a vote in the next election.

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