Friday, August 7, 2009

Political Parties Irrelavent

Our government at the provincial and federal level has been a mess for years. The mess is all about meeting goals. Our representatives are supposed to be doing good work on behalf of their constituents. As our members have a loyalty to a party policy controlled by a few in the know, the average member will have little to say about the goals to help people. The party in power is so concerned about holding power that their energy is used to keep it. The opposition are routinely ignored and rarely get a straight , honest answer. At our federal level we really do not what is happening because all news is filtered down from the PM.

If you wish to be frustrated , watch question period. This pitiful show completely ignores the peoples needs and becomes poor comedy at best. What a lost opportunity as much could be accomplished if our members, all of them worked together to work for Canada and people like ourselves. Never in our history have so many people been disenfranchised by the perceived lack of confidence in our important institution called parliament.

I have known a few politicians in my life and most if not all were good people. Their intention was to go to Ottawa and effect change and make good decisions. If you are not one of the chosen few in the cabinet you become a number to be counted at voting time. Be aware if you ever break party rank on a party issue.

How could this be changed. Members could be elected to represent their riding. The members could arrive in Ottawa and collectively set out an agenda for Canada. The members could decide who would be the best leader to carry out the process to meet the goals. Other members could be included for their expertise in a particular area and lead the parliament to get the job done. Different leaders could emerge when different policies are required. All members could be part of the process and feel part of the team. Of course this would require good faith on behalf of the members. Would it not be a surprise to see our 300 members working for us and not covering their back sides and sniping at each other.

We have the desire for a civil government but our party system will not permit this to happen. We are a diverse country made up of every ethnic group and we have difficulty in developing a system where this diversity can be manifested through active participation.

Check the system used in Nunavut. Too bad a similar system could not be used on a larger scale. I know it would be impossible as things are now but with the communications we have now and the technology, one day all of may be given a chance to be part of selecting our destiny. 35,000,ooo people vote on American Idol. Some day we the people may be linked by internet to show our support or lack of it on issues that concern us. Anything is possible if there is a will.

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