Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Theresa and I love to travel. We have been away for 10 days and are turning around to begin our way home. My thoughts always are about my tomatoes, fruit trees and of course the children when they are out of sight. I guess I have that feeling of wishing to be in two places at one time.

Of all our little trips, this one was to a large extent - unscripted. We however fitted in the busiest schedule ever and managed to accomplish all this, and still have time for spontaneous happenings. Last eve was a special occasion as our family gathered at my brother David's home for a post-burial party. About 40 people attended including all siblings and nephews and nieces. The minister happened to be a close family friend and he delivered a down home service which made everyone feel comfortable and free to participate.

For a short period of time we were a family again. The lesson here is to carry over that feeling and extend the bonding when there is no special circumstance except belonging to a family. Our family is advancing in age and our numbers have diminished from 11 to 7. How sad it would be to wait until we are 6 before we meet again.

The people who gain the most from these get-togethers are the children who see the value of family first hand. I observed the interaction among the children and adults and was impressed. It was reminiscent of times when our family used to go to Gross Point for Sunday picnics and mixed with the many other cousins and friends. This social mixing is the stuff memories are made of.

I look forward to many more of the same in the future.


  1. Glad to hear your trip was a success! :)

  2. Come home -- we miss you! And you should know -- your tomatoes asked about you too! Safe journey you two.

  3. What beautiful sentiments; mine exactly.

  4. Hey Henry, it was great to bump into you guys last night in Sydney.
    I agree with your views about family and life and the Leafs!
    I need your email address to send you those pics. Mine is
    Have a fun trip back and don't forget to give a hug and kiss to your girls from me.

  5. Family get=togethers always bring back memories and add guilt to the mix. Without the memories we would have nothing.


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