Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today I chose to spray my lanai for spiders. A couple of days ago we had a few visitors that were unwelcome.A Wolf spider along with its family wandered into our kitchen. I quickly checked the computer to ascertain the kind and characteristics of same. These large spiders are harmless and avoid people mostly. This female had her family on her back. There were about fifty tiny ones all crawling away after we dispensed with the adult.

Yesterday when I was gardening I noticed an egg sack which was most unusual in its composition. Light brown in colour and with raised points made it a first for me. Again I went to the computer and there at the top of the list was the Brown Widow. The pictures matched the egg sack so I set out to find the adult before it found me. Twice as dangerous as the famous Black Widow but rarely seen. I usually lives in cracks and small holes and rarely comes in contact with people.

When it bites it emits a large amount of fluid and is deadly for some people.The venom attacks the kidneys and flesh near the bite and causes pain and worse. I searched and found the hiding place near the back doorway to our pool. I decided that relocating them was not an option so I will have to destroy the nest and also the inhabitants.

The various insects, bugs and spiders found here in Florida are so different than at home I could make a hobby of studying them. The most interesting one so far has been a Tarantella with a ball of young. It was in my banana tree so I removed it and relocated it in the tree area on the spare lot. It was as large as my hand with large hairy legs and eyes on stalks. I had gloves on and it walked freely on my glove and I was able to relocate without difficulty.

I really hate to kill anything but sometimes you must so I have to attend to business while Theresa and Doris are shopping.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you for only killing the dangerous ones. I always take the common house spiders out and release them. :) A few of my friends are terrified of spiders though, and I have to be sure to catch them before they do... lol.


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