Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby Bananas

For all the years we lived here in Florida we have had limited success with growing bananas.We are either not here when the fruit was available or we had a hurricane or something. This year we are going to have a treat as one of our bananas is in the process of having a bunch of fruit.

For those who never witnessed the process of banana growing it is quite remarkable. One day you will see a different type of leaf appearing as they do from the top center of the plant. After one day you realize that it is not a leaf but an immature bunch of bananas.

A thick stock with a purple sheath at the end will suddenly appear and within two days the process begins. The stock is sturdy because a full bunch of bananas will weigh up to 40 pounds and contain a couple of hundred bananas. The bananas will develop one row at a time and groups or hands of bananas will show as small immature fruit. Every few days another row will appear and the process goes on until you have a fully developed bunch of fruit.

Five to six months are required to have fruit ready to eat. Our bananas are known as apple bananas as they look like regular fruit but taste like apples. Small, a third the size of regular fruit but sweeter and very delicious. Taken off the bunch in hands the fruit will ripen in a number of days depending on the heat index.

We have had the great experience several times but this year we will be here for the whole process. I have already staked the banana tree up and will give it some extra water and food. In April we will be giving these tiny succulent fruit to friends and neighbours. It is good to share.

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