Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 11

The 11 of Nov. is over and this year was a particularly difficult time in our history.All the services I saw on TV carried a message of urgency that America get back on tract and solve her international commitments .There is dire need to address the unemployment which has reached over 10%. This figure is only for those registered but the actual number is much higher.

On Remembrance day we basically look back at past heroic deeds and the toll it took in human life and suffering. Everyone leaves these services feeling proud and determined to be a better citizen.It is a report card on past performance and causes us to look forward to new and better times. America has a challenge to employ the millions because many of the lost jobs are not coming back. New and innovative programs are going to be needed to retrain and regroup our people to find a niche where they are able to be productive.

Unemployment is like a cancer that causes a domino effect where special strains are put on families, children become isolated in this materialistic world and many feel worthless and abandoned and turn to drugs and alcohol. It is not a pretty scene.

Statistics show a slow recovery but it will take time. America always rises to the top when things seem beyond and this time will be no different. We only hope that the recovery will not be bought by the huge bailout money which could be a burden for future generations. My wish is that the recovery will be generated by small business adding a person at a time not depending on the help of government. Our last recession in Canada a policy of encouraging small business to hire resulted in a fantastic recovery. One job at time.

1 comment:

  1. Recovery takes time, in all things. In politics, however, we want to blame the opposition and demand quick results.


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