Saturday, January 16, 2010


Everyone knows about Haiti now because of the tragic circumstances around the earthquake. There are 600,000 Haitians living here in Florida and they are impacting the state now in a big way. The Haitian people living here are mostly migrant workers and with the big freeze they are out of work. Now with their homeland earthquake, they are no longer an invisible minority.

The Haitiam people show up everywhere - in our nursing, in our schools as teachers - anywhere there is work. For years there were barriers put up to stop the migration of these souls from entering the USA. President Obama has dropped the barriers and allowed the illegals to stay and work to send needed money back home.

This has been a humanitarian effort to help the people recover from a once in a lifetime disaster. People everywhere were impacted by the images shown on CNN and have given dollars, medical supplies and food to help. The effort was overwhelming and the outreach was greater than the ability for the goods to be delivered. Americans are a generous people and this is probably because most of the population came from countries where similar tragedy was common. In any event the extent of the earthquake will be heard for years to come and in the final days Haiti will be a better place to live.

Our hearts broke at the sight of children dying - because -in our view - there was no infrastructure in place to help. It pricks all of our consciences. because we have so much. Perhaps it helps us to appreciate life more and make us more of children of the universe. Just perhaps the "right wing" will be more willing to share the wealth and make life better for all mankind .... not just for the wealthy.

To the people of Haiti, there is a social conscience and you will reap the benefit of a sharing and caring America.

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