Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Medical Matters

It seems that every time we turn around we are visiting some sort of medical office. The dentist, your family doctor or a consult with a specialist caused by a referral from your concerned family doctor. The health clinic which does the blood testing, X-rays and other procedures are jammed packed every day.We have a great caring system but just maybe we over use the system.

For one trip to the dentist after an issue with a fifteen year old crown I have had five visits to complete the work on a implant. The time is nothing but the tab for the work is about $3500 and that is just one tooth..

In olden years we never had this socialized medicine and people made do with home cures or did without.As a teacher who worked in the field 60 years ago it was normal to see children with cavities and in need of dentist work. Today it is unusual when you see a 12 year old without braces. Young people are given great care and their health is a major concern. Today we are having to deal with two new troubling issues...obesity and diabetics

These two conditions affect many of our youth and it is cause for concern. We have on one hand the greatest health care in the world and on the other hand we have new issues.Health matters has become the single most expensive item in government budgets and it will only get worse as we have an aging population. By the year 2020 we will for the first time have more senior citizens over the age of 65 than children under the age of 16. There has been so much talk about the aging populations lately it is no small matter that there is a crisis in our health system.

In the mean time I will chew my vitamins and write my medical appointments on the calendar and look forward to my visits with my medical caregivers.

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