Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Early Morning Surprises

I was getting prepared to go to the health club when Theresa called from the bedroom . What matter of urgency could motivate her to call in such a eager manner? Well it was enough of a call to get me up there in quick time and there was Theresa looking out the window. It was barely light but on top of our gazebo were two raccoons trying to fit themselves in the small opening covered by vines.

They were large ones and cute and looking for a place to sleep. The berries on the vines is what caused them to climb way up and after a good feed searched for a sleeping spot.I tried to get a picture but failed so I quickly went outside and tried to track them down. I was unsuccessful but the rainy morning motivated me to film some of my unfinished work from the day before.

Compost to spread, trees to trim and now leaves to compost. There are always the last rose and the one or two dahlias still beautiful so I took their picture. I was interested in the beauty of even the wet, dreary day and decided to get going to the club and enjoy the warm ,fun atmosphere of people wishing to improve their fitness.

1 comment:

  1. The yard is looking good! And the healthy grandpa looks very "brilliant" as well. :)


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