Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thinking About Ontario

When April comes along I begin to think about Ontario and my trees and gardens. I was talking to my friend Doug the other day and he said he was getting his spray for his trees ready and I realized it was time for me as well. Being late three weeks can be really bad as this spray will kill the crawling bugs who want to get up the flowering trees and have a feast.

Actually this spray will protect your trees from insects which will embed themselves in the fruit at an early stage of development. Looking after trees is a specialty that one has to learn about to be successful. I relied on two of my friends over the years, John and Doug. I cannot say with any authority that are specialists but compared to me they are OK.

At this time of the year the flowers which were planted  or were yearly begin to sprout and new life unfolds. The last few years I was late arriving home so I missed the mystery of life after winter. My tulips and daffodils  were over their best when I get home in May.

The garlic which I planted at Xmas will be a foot high and the strawberries will stand tall and begin to flower. I miss this early part of spring as I see the magic of nature. I try to make up for this and devote my time to make any of my short falls seem unimportant.

In any case I miss Ontario in the spring as it is the most dramatic agricultural area in North America.

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Ï'm interested in what you think ...