Saturday, April 20, 2013

Home Inspections

When a home is about to be sold the buyer should have a qualified inspector to go over the home in a proper way to guarantee there are no surprises . If the buyer is in need of a mortgage then the lender, usually a bank will send out its own inspector to guarantee that the property will support the money needed by a buyer. One would think that this should be a fair and equal event.

During the last few days I sold a home and the buyer is getting a mortgage . The buyers inspector was very careful to attend to all the details. He charged the young man $250 for the job and another $100 because there was a pool. Everything was perfect except for a small ten year old water mark in the bathroom. Actually we never noticed the mark. The inspector demanded that a roof inspector check to see if there was a problem. $350 later he saw a one half inch cut in the lead pipe surrounding the bathroom stack. He would not permit a correction,a band aid would do but he asked for the removal of the stack and a repair using two bundles of shingles.

A contractor was summoned and at a cost of $360 the work will be completed. Such a pile of #@^%*&+ garbage. Interesting enough the sales person and the inspector are brother and sister in laws. I am sure the contractor fits in there somewhere. My costs are small but the system smells so badly that abuses will occur on a regular basis. In this case it is better to be quiet and go away quietly because you are living in their house.

It is frustrating to see nonsense but until all the dots and marks are completed I will stay quiet then I will be able to make a noise and that we will do. We will be happy to go home and deal with our real estate woes Canadian style.

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