Saturday, April 6, 2013

Golf,Banquet and Dancing.

During the past eight years I have been golfing with the same partners. We are the ones that insist on tee times which correspond to the time the sun rises.The latest we started our game was last week when there was heavy fog on the course. The fog made it impossible to see down the fairway but it did not seem to matter as we managed the first three holes with the same scores we would have had were there clear skies.

All the rest of our 75 member group begin at 11 o'clock just as we are finishing. We early birds number eight and there seems to be some advantage in playing early. Firstly the temperature is cool so we don't have to suffer the high eighties by noon. The one problem is the grass is always wet so we do not have the advantage og the long rolls of the dry fairways.

We are more than golfers as we have become quite good friends. From this association I met a fisherman who loves to deep sea fish and I have been a member of his party every time he goes out.This the golfers had their rewards night and our wives came along to the banquet and dance. It seemed strange to see the golfers all dressed up instead of in their golf clothes and leg braces and arm bandages and all sorts of equipment to aid the old fellows to keep them mobile and able to enjoy the game.

Our group comprises a banker,a manufacturing plant owner, a fireman and an educator. A varied group for sure and interesting discussions come from different perspectives. On this social night with the ladies we never talked our usual topics but just enjoyed the company and the opportunity to share an evening together. Golf can lead to dancing after all.

1 comment:

  1. I can see how much you enjoy your golfing group and all of the social activities that go along with it. Great to see you and T looking so tanned -- with no stress lines!


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