Friday, March 23, 2012

Morning Bike Ride

Early this morning I had to attend the dentist for the second day in a row and came home with a sore jaw from a lengthy root canal ordeal. What better way to wait for the freezing to leave my face than a bike ride (actually a rum would be better but at 10.30, NO!). Theresa and I had a day without wind so we proceeded to travel a little further than usual.

We took a shortcut through the Catholic church and passed the trail for the Stations of the Cross. There on the tenth station was a beautiful ( and saintly) hawk. It was not afraid so I took several pictures. It's partner was close by spying a squirrel for lunch. We observed the pair for a while and they got bored with our company and flew off giving us the loudest screeches for interfering with their hunt.

We travelled to the eagle nest and there was the baby and it's mother. It is unusual for them to go back to the nest once they are forced to leave. The canal beside our place was so peaceful that Theresa took a picture. There were no alligators here today

As we arrived home there was this young Ibis on the road beside our house. It was a bird day for sure and I forgot about the freezing in my face.

1 comment:

  1. That new camera is really working out well for you guys. Love your shots T. Beautiful!


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