Friday, March 30, 2012

Blogging Holiday

Theresa and I are going for a holiday on a cruise to some islands in the Caribbean. Along with friends we should have seven days of adventure. I love the opportunity to visit some of the smaller islands and to roam around their markets and historical sights. Every island has it's own treasures to share and because tourism is such a large part of their economy the people are friendly and helpful. Many nations have a stake in the region but the European influence is diminished.

You can see the development of the economy gearing up for tourists but the future also has oil and agriculture to help the local people live a better life.Many of the islands received their freedom from their masters in a peaceful manner but some fought to gain their right to self government.

During the past five years many of the islands have been devastated by hurricanes and earthquakes and when the main source of income comes from agriculture outside help is required. Haiti and many of the smaller domains  had their trees ripped down and their homes destroyed. Although these people live right next to the USA, Canada, Mexico their well being is not a big consideration by any of these powers. In times of  disaster these powers do come to the rescue but long term help has never been a basic foreign policy for any of these economic giants.

Cruises have made it possible for millions of people to see the living conditions of some of the poorer Islands and hopefully some of their concerns will rub off and we might become better partners in helping the developing islands in the future.

I really like what cruises offer in addition to wonderful food and entertainment and return more dedicated to offering a helping hand through Kiva.

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Ï'm interested in what you think ...