Monday, January 23, 2012


I recently had a birthday and every time this date comes up, my oldest daughter writes a blog to celebrate the occasion.She is a sentimental creature and writes the most beautiful tributes every year. I am amazed she is able to come up with so many thoughtful comments and I am always happy to realize that someone sees the good in this old fellow who shares her feelings in so many ways. This year Lyn put together all the blogs and writings she had scripted over the years and published them as a book called a tribute to her father.

To say the least I am pleased and was surprised to receive this book a few days after my 75th B'day. It came in the mail and made my day. I only wish more people could not receive a tribute such as this and share the love we have as a father-daughter relationship.

1 comment:

  1. My pleasure ... I would just wish that everyone would express the thoughts and good feelings they have for one another. We expect that people know how we feel however nothing rivals hearing the words spoken or thoughts explicitly expressed. My motto: leave no positive feeling unexpressed. And so I didn't!


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