Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Mornings

All my life I have treated Sunday Morning in a special way. From my youngest days when Sunday meant Church, Sunday School and church again there was security in having a schedule you could count on.There was the hustle and bustle of attempting to sort out the clothes and shoes with all our family getting ready at the same time. We would have to pass the inspection of Mom as we left the door and there was the final minute adjustment with Mom wiping off that last morsel left from breakfast or something. We trooped up the lane together and entered the church prepared to fill our family pew.

As years went by Sunday meant more. It was the one day in such a bu

sy life and world that we looked forward to the opportunity to unwind and experience the peace and sanity of relaxing with the people who really count, family and friends.

I try to get out early on Sunday to water the withering plants, weed a little and talk to the neighbours who are doing pretty much the same as me.The fact that we are retired and every day could be a Sunday never enters my mindset as Sunday is special. We plan events around this day as it is one of the few days that you have a good chance to get everyone together in one place.

Phone calls to friends, sending cards to birthday people and doing nothing with a purpose makes for a day to recharge the soul,think about life, past and present and maybe even have a afternoon nap to fill in the little extra time you need to complete the best day of the week, SUNDAY.

1 comment:

  1. So true. It is important to set aside one day out of our buys lives to just BE. I remember my childhood Sundays with fondness too. It was usually a day that we had you around to enjoy family stuff with.


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