Friday, February 25, 2011

Morning Visitors

Every morning for the past weeks a young cat appears at our pool cage door and calls to us. A rather well kept little one who comes to breakfast and Theresa feeds it real cat food. There are many farell cats in our neighbourhood who use our bird bath as a watering hole and some will eat food placed outside by Theresa but none are as friendly as this one which Theresa calls Tinker Bell. We suspect that this cat might be owned by someone or was abandoned.

Another morning friend is the woodpecker who hammers on our eave troughs just as the sun comes up. I am sure they wake up the whole neighbourhood. I tried to get a good picture of it but finally had to accept a long shot from my garage.

Since I filled the bird feeders with sun flower seeds the black birds and crackles dominate the landscape and the cardinals and blue jays are left out. Well some visitors are better than no visitors at all.

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