Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The strongest symbol of the USA is the American Eagle. We have two families of these wondrous creatures who live only blocks away from us. They have huge nests and use the same one each year except when they decide to move as one family did recently. For no apparent reason the family of eagles closest to us decided to move. The Roman Catholic Church , two blocks away were planning to build a   hall on their large property but suddenly their plans were changed. The eagles seeing a beautiful red pine tree decided to move their nest. In  three days they hauled most of the branches and material from their old nest and build their new one there.  State and county law forbids any construction within 1300 feet of the nest. Plan B, forget it until the eagles have their fledglings and try again.

The eagles did have two young ones and the next year as well. Meanwhile the church waited patiently savoring the fact that the eagles turned Catholic. Two years later , just as suddenly the eagles left the church yard and returned to their old nest. They now rebuilt  their home and again have two young ones. I don't see any religious significance in the move although the jokes appeared again but I think the cause was too much traffic. This church has a huge membership and it is very busy.

We get so much pleasure from these birds and when you think about so many of our expressions are directly related to the eagle. Soar like an eagle, tough love and out on a limb comes to mind . Eagles are tough parents and when the time to leave the nest the parents shove the eaglets out on a limb and there they stay until they fly. Sometimes over a week. That is tough love and when they do fly there is a great show as the young ones learn to fly or soar like an eagle.

Laws are contested to change the protection laws but our council voted to keep the 1300 feet rule only last week. There was a tremendous construction lobby and the vote was close, never the less passed. We are proud of our eagles and show them off to all visitors or anyone who cares about our treasure, eagles.

1 comment:

  1. I drove down a main street in Des Moines, Iowa to buy framing supplies. As we crossed the Des Moines River there were dozens of birds living among all of the residences along that river. That law would be interesting to have as our state does not have it.


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