Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Going Back In Time

Yesterday while resting after golf with a cold glass of ice water and sitting by the pool with my mind wandering under the 80 degree temperature I thought of a friend I grew up with in Cape Breton. Being somewhat impulsive and the phone within easy reach I dialed the number to talk to my friend. There was a quick response and a little hesitation as his wife was somewhat unfamiliar with my voice so I announced myself and engaged her in a short conversation.

As she handed the phone to TV, the initials of my friend, my mind raced back 60 years ago when we used to live close enough to yell across the road to communicate. After a few pleasant remarks we immediately began to reminisce about the past. All matters of that time are crystal clear to both of us and we rushed to the fishing, the biking and the close relationship we had. As young people of that day we had little canned entertainment but we were never without something to do. Besides chores we filled our moments living in a make believe world. We were Indians. We had made bows, arrows, quivers and spears to a high level. We literally lived in the woods down by the big pond and built huts which served as our headquarters.

The making of bows almost did my friend in as one day he and I were getting together and I had a new bow. I also had a tipped arrow and we were pretty good shots but what happened should never have come to pass. My friend was standing at the basement door which was open just a little. In jest I suggested I could shoot an arrow through that door with no trouble. There was a challenge and I placed the arrow in the bow and let fly. Foolish to be sure but the deed was done and for the first time I could remember the arrow flew true and was headed for my friend. At the last minute he turned his head and the arrow caught him behind the ear.

I was shocked and so was he but he was able to recover quickly with a little help. It was one of those moments that bonded us for all time. We both laugh now but realize the foolish act could have ended in tragedy. Over the years from very young until we went our special ways we never had an angry word nor a conflict. We did so much together and all was about nature and the out of doors. Years later when I met TV in Toronto where he was serving as an RCMP Officer we were able to talk but we always expressed feelings the great childhood we had together. We never smoked, drank nor even heard about drugs but we new every bird, how to fish and appreciate the wonders of nature.

We hung up after an hour and are going to connect more often on SKYPE in the future. As much as I love the past I live in the future and as friends we expect our lives to get better as we age but it is fun going back in time.

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