Monday, November 29, 2010

Early Morning Visitors

Frequently we have the good fortune to be visited by birds. Since we have giant red pine trees close by they become the roosting places for birds. Ibis's large and small pass over our home every day and sometimes they land. We get the opportunity to observe them closeup. This am these birds perched in the highest branches of this magnificent pine.

One morning our neighbor's house was literally covered by Egrets (cattle). These medium sized birds follow the city's large mowers as they cut the grass on vacant lots. This practise stirs up bugs and insects and the Egrets in large numbers have a feast. It is nature's way of controlling the numerous insects which live in Florida. We rarely see a mosquito or house fly due to an aggressive insect control program. This program is mainly followed during the rainy summer months.

This morning also began another interesting item as one of our banana trees sprouted a large flower which will become a bunch of bananas in a few months. It was only last February that all of our banana trees were destroyed by frost. We hope to see these bananas grow to maturity and we are able to eat these small, delicious fruit called Apple Bananas.

Tomorrow will be the last official day for hurricane season. This year there were 14 hurricanes identified in the Atlantic and not one made a landfall on USA soil. We are thankful. Canada, specially Newfoundland bore the brunt of many powerful storms which caused expensive damage to the infrastructure of that province. Two weeks from now we will once again be in our home in Canada and look forward to some snow and cold weather.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Henry,
    I remember our days of living in Florida. The palm trees grow so quickly, the bird life so abundant.. Beautiful pictures..



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