Thursday, April 29, 2010

Scrub Jays Rule The Roost

Cape Coral wished to use a small piece of land for a park extension. During the environmental impact study it was discovered that this land was the home to 6 scrub jays. These birds are of the endangered group and the city was given an option. Relocate the jays at a cost of $650,000 or forget the project.

Now if the birds had flown away during the study the financial problem would not exist. However they were home at census time and this project will go forth. The cost will be over $100,000 per bird. I have seen many scrub jays in our area but they are scarce. The cost of relocation some miles away and the acquisition of the new land is a hefty price. It seems that birds are more important than the kids who would use the park. There are state funds to help and federal grants so the impact on the taxpayers of Cape Coral will not be great.

Every time I see these situations coming before the public I wonder how it will turn out. In this case the Scrub Jays rule the roost.

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