Saturday, April 24, 2010


Each year I grew an amaryllis at Xmas time when I was in Ontario. Here in Florida where they grow outside I get two showings a year. I was on my bicycle with Theresa riding through our area after Xmas in 2004 when I saw this orphan plant thrown out with the garbage. It was a amaryllis which had flowered and thrown. Naturally I took it home and nurtured it back to life. When I went home to Ontario I buried it in my garden hoping it would live.

When I arrived back in October it not only survived but had a second bulb attached to the main one. I dug them up, cut the tops, cut many of the roots and wrapped it and placed it in the fridge for a while. It felt strong and I planted it and the baby bulb in a pot and within weeks we had a bloom with four heads and later the baby did the same.

Quickly I cut the leaves and buried the two which I separated and waited. After I came back after Xmas I planted the bulb and the baby and we had another show. Since then we have had amaryllis twice a year and we now have three good strong bulbs with all having babies. They really are beautiful and I have had them for many years but this is the first time I had the same ones for six years and counting.

Plants with beautiful flowers enhance our lives and give us a chance to recognize the wonders of nature. Theresa and I love our flowers, specially ones as beautiful as the amaryllis.

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