Thursday, August 29, 2013

We Also Serve Who Only Stand To Watch

The world looks on as the people of Syria are slaughtered in various ways. Shootings, bombings, burnings, starvings and gassings. Over 100,000 women and children and soldiers have died so far in a battle that has a dictator apposed by a group of factions which have a variety of goals. The great powers watch but secretly arm  both sides.

Suddenly the use of poison gas was introduced as a weapon against the people of Syria. The USA and others come to life and say that this cannot continue. We must punish the government forces by a means that is yet undetermined. We will not take sides so let the war continue as any punitive measure will not be to rid the country of the dictator but to punish and slap the hand of the man who introduced this new weapon of war.

How ridiculous for the world powers to blow up a few buildings and facilities and then let the war continue.It would be a good way of getting rid of weapons that are probably older and need to be replaced so drop them on Syria as a token response to the problem. We all know about the story of the camel getting his nose in the tent and eventually became the main occupant. This trouble in the Mid-East is a time bomb and is not being addressed properly.

The United Nations is hoping for a solution but in this case we have Syria, Russia, China on one side and The western powers on the other. Both sides are staring the other side down and it could flare up to become the next great conflict to tear world peace apart. Little Israel is very quiet at this time because they sit in fear of an open war in the region as they would be the first to feel the sting of a mid-East conflict.

When will we learn that dictators cause problems and when you have a foreign policy that permits them to act within the civilized world with impunity there will be flare ups when the people under the dictator have had enough and seek freedom. Eventually an international force will have to be involved so get on with the job and save what is left of a once proud civilization but has been reduced to a territory without hope.

Where are our world leaders and what are they doing to end the conflict? Are they also only going to stand and watch?

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