Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prorogued AGAIN

For the fourth time during this ill faded governments tenure the Prime Minister is about to prorogue Parliament. This means that the House will not sit until the frightened Prime Minister has several months to travel around Canada at taxpayers expense to dispense his election message. He would love to distance himself from the issues of the day back home in Ottawa.

Proroguing parliament was never intended to be used as this prime minister does. Since parliament is not in session then all the elected officials should not be paid and should have their salaries cut according to the time they are sleeping back home. The prime minister on the other hand has been vacationing in the beautiful Arctic with his henchmen and cronies but delivering harsh and untrue election propaganda to the poor aboriginal people who are no more but props for his photo ops.

In the meantime the senate scandal , the transportation mess, the pipeline dilemma  and the economy are left to take care of themselves. The prime minister wishes that all the fuss will be forgotten if he stays away long enough. In my 60 or so years being interested in politics I have never seen a leader show so little respect for parliament and the democratic process. It appears that he looks south to the USA for ideas and then tries to weave them into the matrix of Canada's society.

Case in point is the rush to have the law and order bill passed through parliament along with fifty pages of other important items that never received proper discussion at committee level and debate in the house. Looking to the south he and his tough ministers laid down draconian mandatory sentences for crimes, many of which should be misdemeanors, specially in the field of drugs. The USA under Bush introduced this type of legislation and filled the courts and jails with nearly two million inmates at a cost of $900 billion dollars per year. The USA has now seen the error of their ways and now have reversed their direction just as Steven Harper is not about to admit a mistake, is about to go full steam ahead incarcerating thousands of young people to fill the new jails being built. What a shame that he does not listen to science and facts and get it right.

During the next few months we will be bombarded with right wing propaganda and most of it will be at taxpayers cost. Lets hope that the good people of Canada will see through the shallow thinking of this controlling man and free the parliament at the next election so they may manage the country in a democratic manner.

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