Friday, December 16, 2011

Empathy Days

During the years I was in politics I was called upon to participate in many projects to help highlight human conditions which impacted lives of many invisible minorities. I always took the challenge and was a good sport about living in a wheel chair for twelve hours, walking with a walker for some time and using a walking cane. As a public figure I recognized the need for open access to buildings, curbs that could be mounted by wheelchairs and elevators to otherwise in accessible public areas. The public reacted and slowly the small city progressed and all recent contracts made access a part of all contracts.

For the last three weeks I have been required to use a walker and cane to make my way about. This is a small requirement when you consider that thousands of Canadians live in a wheel chair or other means of travel and deal with the discomfort and inconvenience of such an arrangement. During these weeks of my semi confinement I have been thinking of ways to make life better for these folks. Times have been kinder and progress made with technology. A few days ago Theresa and I were stopped at a red light in downtown Oakville and we could not help but remark when we observed motorized wheelchairs at every intersection.

I was issued a handicapped parking card and it really is a good thing but all too often the spaces are taken up by people who do not need to use them.One of my Xmas wishes is that people will be aware of people who are dealing daily with mobility issues and to be courteous and make someone smile and say thanks to you for helping in any way to make life a little easier. I know they will appreciate it and you will be able to do a good turn.

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