I was looking in my notebook for a spelling check and noted a item which brought back some fond memories. It was on December 18th and the weather forecast was for a storm moving in to our community within the day. At 5.30am it was hard for me to get excited but the weather was always important as I had responsibilities. First that cup of hot chocolate to help me wake up to the total black landscape and howling wind at 30 kms with a temperature hovering around minus 40.
My mind was on travelling home to see my family and I was counting the days and if all went well I would be on my way on the 20th. With the storm I was somewhat worried. I pushed open the outside door and managed to shovel the hard snow from my step. A whistle brought Buck, my dog out of his sleep under the snow and he stood stiff and tall and shock himself several times to clear his brain and fur of snow. He bounded up the stairs to the landing and after a pat and he always stood up and placed his paws on my shoulders and tried to lick my face. I hated this and let him know but rewarded him with a hind leg of a muskoxen. He retreated to the ground and began his meal.
I closed the door and realized that the barometer had dropped out of sight and maybe we were in for a big one. Still droopy I opened the fridge door and was greeted by a half Arctic Char left over from supper and began to eat it with home made corn bread and molasses. I felt better. I radioed the weather station two miles away and received the news I dreaded. Definite major storm and we were to take maximum defensive positions. Dispite the hour I called off the water and sewage trucks for the time being but made sure water was added to the hotels, nursing center and airport. It now read minus 65 wind chill.
Our radio station now broadcast warnings for the public and a snow day for the school and all non essential workers. I donned my heavy clothes and went by snow machine to hamlet office. The foreman of each dept. knew the drill better than I and prepared for a several day blizzard. Three of our people were out on the land and could not be reached by radio and this concerned us. The RCMP were on alert and together we made a quick check around the hamlet to make sure there were no tracks leaving the area.
Everything seemed to be set but I always felt responsible and worried a little. I left the hamlet office and went home but all radios and telephones were kept open. By 10.30 am the wind was a brisk 60 km and wind chill hovered around 8o below. At this temperature we did not want anyone outside. We patrolled and found that to be the case.A aircraft heading to Arctic Bay sought to land at our airport and as the visibility was fairly clear the 737 made a perfect landing on the snow covered strip. Eleven miners were on board and were put up in the co.op hotel. We closed our airport.
Without water delivery it was important that everyone conserve water for at least two days. People knew the drill and everyone was OK. Since this was my first emergency I took great comfort from having my 2ic there to aid me.The snow blew into banks that were as hard as ice and up to the eves of the houses.Reports came in with problems with furnaces and water freezing but this was covered by workmen. All day
and that night the storm raged. The sound was
horrific and sounded like a huge animal bellowing as it tried to tear away the walls of the houses. Objects flew by in the wind and caused a danger but with no or limited light nobody stepped outside. By next morning the storm broke and when the wind slowed down everyone in the hamlet went outside and viewed the results. Loud chatter and calling to neighbours about how they managed the storm took place and it added a degree of excitement. Shovels, front end loaders,tractors and graders were fired up to open the streets and the road to the airport. With only a dim light from the sun lights were everywhere and it was an eary sight to view the activity being carried out by everyone in the hamlet.
I made a radio broadcast saying that a feast and games would be held at the rec center at 3pm and everyone was invited.Food was prepared and rec staff had music and games ready as a steady stream of people flooded the rec center. Musical chairs, step dancing and arctic games prevailed and musk oxen burgers, biffy and dried meat was produced and eaten by the people. A few seals and two caribou were cut up for the elders who enjoyed the raw meat and shared with the young ones.
We closed up the rec center at 10pm and everyone went home full of country food and happy for the experience. Inuit take adversity as a challenge and an opportunity. This was a lesson learned by me while there up north in the High Arctic.
Musings, observations, and reflections from a life well lived. Proud Canadian who is passionate about nature and the well being of the planet.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Year 2011
I never measure my life in years, months or days but rather by events. This year was filled with events which caused me to consider my very future.One event close to home involving Doris shocked Theresa and I into the reality that she was aging and no longer capable of keeping up to our life of travel and adventure. What appeared to be a minor problem while in Florida resulted in a rather lengthy stay in hospital where tests showed some difficulties in her health. Being 94 and of excellent health except for a few minor issues never the less causes us to make arrangements for her stay at a residence when we travel from now on. This was to say the least a challenge as she has been our constant travelling companion for 12 years. We are fortunate to have found a beautiful accommodation here in Oakville where she will be able to continue her active and happy stay with seniors who enjoy independent living in a grand style.
Our next event was also a health issue involving me with necessary surgery on my spinal column to offset the ravages of arthritis. The period of time was about a year and after some setbacks we received a gift of an excellent procedure which leaves me pain free and ready to begin my new life in an active fashion. Theresa and I planned our year around this event and are looking foreword to our continued life in our home in Florida beginning in February.
Grandchildren graduating from university, more beginning or planning for further education and all growing into adulthood leaves us excited. A first grand child announcing marriage causes us to dust off those formal clothes because although this is the first there are seven more right behind. The dynamics of a family causes Theresa and I to just enjoy the activity created and treasure the opportunity be part of the family scene.
Our four children are the core of our family and they and their children make up a lively ever changing group and we see the challenges of raising and nurturing children vastly different than years gone by. We do our best to keep up but every time we get together we watch in wonder to see the world of youth today first hand and we smile and wonder how we would make out in this crazy, wonderful society.
Theresa and I have been talking about our five and ten year plan for the future and will no doubt make major changes . We plan to live to the fullest and to try to stuff as many of our bucket lists items to the forefront. I would say that travel and adventure will be the core of our life in the next five years and of course family. Always our goal will be to keep our clan safe and strong. 2012 is in sight and I just see it as a big bucket full of opportunities and I trust we will dip deeply and enjoy much.
Our next event was also a health issue involving me with necessary surgery on my spinal column to offset the ravages of arthritis. The period of time was about a year and after some setbacks we received a gift of an excellent procedure which leaves me pain free and ready to begin my new life in an active fashion. Theresa and I planned our year around this event and are looking foreword to our continued life in our home in Florida beginning in February.
Grandchildren graduating from university, more beginning or planning for further education and all growing into adulthood leaves us excited. A first grand child announcing marriage causes us to dust off those formal clothes because although this is the first there are seven more right behind. The dynamics of a family causes Theresa and I to just enjoy the activity created and treasure the opportunity be part of the family scene.
Our four children are the core of our family and they and their children make up a lively ever changing group and we see the challenges of raising and nurturing children vastly different than years gone by. We do our best to keep up but every time we get together we watch in wonder to see the world of youth today first hand and we smile and wonder how we would make out in this crazy, wonderful society.
Theresa and I have been talking about our five and ten year plan for the future and will no doubt make major changes . We plan to live to the fullest and to try to stuff as many of our bucket lists items to the forefront. I would say that travel and adventure will be the core of our life in the next five years and of course family. Always our goal will be to keep our clan safe and strong. 2012 is in sight and I just see it as a big bucket full of opportunities and I trust we will dip deeply and enjoy much.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Soulmate and Mentor
As we walk through life and manage to accumulate so many ideas and thoughts about where we fit into the grand scheme of things, we sometimes meet a person who by association aids in our search for the ultimate answer; we tend to find our comfort zone while in their company. One such person was Dr. J.W.E. Newbery. Maybe it was coincidence, but this United Church minister also married my wife's parents early in his ministry in Sudbury.
Years later when I decided to return to University full time, the first person I met when I went to register was Rev. Newbery. He was welcoming the students to the young university and although he was the principal of Huntington College he was right there in the mix of students, boxes and books. A shock of white hair and a smile a mile wide put you at ease and when he heard I was majoring in Philosophy and Religious Studies he gave me some special attention.
He was the head of the Philosophy Dept and Religious Studies and immediately made me feel at home when he said there was a $300 bursary that was available if I applied. That got my attention as I was married with a family and needed every penny. I hadn't set up a home at this point but he helped and after we had tea with his family I left with a list of good places to live, $300 bursary and a box of required reading for the philosophy courses.
From the very beginning Dr. Newbery and I became bonded. There was something special about this man's demeanour when he talked about religion. I connected when he told me he was working on a new curriculum involving spirituality derived from aboriginal peoples' beliefs. I had just returned from Northern Ontario where I shared two summers with Cree Indians and I was keenly into their culture. Our class was 10 people and we were able to share feelings and personal beliefs with the Dr. However we did much listening as this man espoused a type of new philosophy with a balanced mixture of bible, great works, native cultures of the world, and Christianity, with universal currency.
The four years I studied under Dr. Newbery were life changing. They brought the best of me to the forefront and convinced me to stay with education and forget about working for the church as my type of spirituality would make it be too confining. Dr, Newbery challenged me by giving me assignments to preach at various churches in Ontario who required a minister for special occasions or special subjects. I loved the work and the pay was good but I finally realized I was not speaking from conviction and refused further work. It was at this time I began to have a free and open discussion with Dr. Newbery about what I had accepted as my guide to life and the acceptance of the natural order of things as a reasonable alternative to organized church with all the rules, myths and dogma. I basically found peace and Dr. Newbery openly said that he had a similar experience and still found comfort in the organized church and I might find that to be true later in life.
Dr. Newbery lived to be 96 and when he passed away a great scholar was lost to the academic fellowship of the university. His legacy was building bridges between faith communities. He developed native studies programs for universities and was awarded citations for his work with native communities within the penal system. A life long member of Amnesty International and human rights commissions earned him the Order Of Canada. For work in recognition of Native Spirituality he was awarded the standing of Honorary Elder a gift he treasured.
Dr. Newbery was close to the David Suzuki Foundation and supported it until his death. He wrote a short poem which I suppose summarises his beliefs.
Years later when I decided to return to University full time, the first person I met when I went to register was Rev. Newbery. He was welcoming the students to the young university and although he was the principal of Huntington College he was right there in the mix of students, boxes and books. A shock of white hair and a smile a mile wide put you at ease and when he heard I was majoring in Philosophy and Religious Studies he gave me some special attention.
He was the head of the Philosophy Dept and Religious Studies and immediately made me feel at home when he said there was a $300 bursary that was available if I applied. That got my attention as I was married with a family and needed every penny. I hadn't set up a home at this point but he helped and after we had tea with his family I left with a list of good places to live, $300 bursary and a box of required reading for the philosophy courses.
From the very beginning Dr. Newbery and I became bonded. There was something special about this man's demeanour when he talked about religion. I connected when he told me he was working on a new curriculum involving spirituality derived from aboriginal peoples' beliefs. I had just returned from Northern Ontario where I shared two summers with Cree Indians and I was keenly into their culture. Our class was 10 people and we were able to share feelings and personal beliefs with the Dr. However we did much listening as this man espoused a type of new philosophy with a balanced mixture of bible, great works, native cultures of the world, and Christianity, with universal currency.
The four years I studied under Dr. Newbery were life changing. They brought the best of me to the forefront and convinced me to stay with education and forget about working for the church as my type of spirituality would make it be too confining. Dr, Newbery challenged me by giving me assignments to preach at various churches in Ontario who required a minister for special occasions or special subjects. I loved the work and the pay was good but I finally realized I was not speaking from conviction and refused further work. It was at this time I began to have a free and open discussion with Dr. Newbery about what I had accepted as my guide to life and the acceptance of the natural order of things as a reasonable alternative to organized church with all the rules, myths and dogma. I basically found peace and Dr. Newbery openly said that he had a similar experience and still found comfort in the organized church and I might find that to be true later in life.
Dr. Newbery lived to be 96 and when he passed away a great scholar was lost to the academic fellowship of the university. His legacy was building bridges between faith communities. He developed native studies programs for universities and was awarded citations for his work with native communities within the penal system. A life long member of Amnesty International and human rights commissions earned him the Order Of Canada. For work in recognition of Native Spirituality he was awarded the standing of Honorary Elder a gift he treasured.
Dr. Newbery was close to the David Suzuki Foundation and supported it until his death. He wrote a short poem which I suppose summarises his beliefs.
O God around me,
Your spirit is the great wind
and the quiet breath of every creature.
Everything is alive in You
and towards You all things are moving.
E. Newbery
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
What If
As we move on past all the hype of Xmas and the good feelings we conjured up about the brotherhood of man and all that stuff I began to think what if.
Out leaders could go to work for us and do there job as a team and try to solve the challenges of running our wonderful country. If the leaders in power would lead and represent all the people and not the 20% who elected them. If they would take ideas from every source and see if it might be good and make life better for all.
All levels of government who have an interest in our aboriginal peoples would stop blaming each other for the condition these first Canadians find themselves in and develop a long term, sustainable strategy to bring about results which will bring them into the Canadian Mosaic. This is one of our untapped resources. Over one million people left out of the mainstream of our society is a cruel shame on Canada.
Canada could once again become a peace keeper in the world and forget about the billions of dollars to be spent on weapons which are clearly not for peace but aggressive actions. Think of the good we could do with that money in our own country with purchases of material to do peaceful deeds. The challenges in the future of fire, flood and weather related events which will be caused by climate change.
All the countries of the world could truly embrace the United Nations as the one world organization which could sort out problems in house before they become world events. All the world powers work outside the UN and degrade the potential good of the organization.
Out leaders could go to work for us and do there job as a team and try to solve the challenges of running our wonderful country. If the leaders in power would lead and represent all the people and not the 20% who elected them. If they would take ideas from every source and see if it might be good and make life better for all.
All levels of government who have an interest in our aboriginal peoples would stop blaming each other for the condition these first Canadians find themselves in and develop a long term, sustainable strategy to bring about results which will bring them into the Canadian Mosaic. This is one of our untapped resources. Over one million people left out of the mainstream of our society is a cruel shame on Canada.
Canada could once again become a peace keeper in the world and forget about the billions of dollars to be spent on weapons which are clearly not for peace but aggressive actions. Think of the good we could do with that money in our own country with purchases of material to do peaceful deeds. The challenges in the future of fire, flood and weather related events which will be caused by climate change.
All the countries of the world could truly embrace the United Nations as the one world organization which could sort out problems in house before they become world events. All the world powers work outside the UN and degrade the potential good of the organization.
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Tradition Lives On
Xmas Eve at our place with quiet times of special food and drink. Off to bed to be fresh for the morning of fellowship and sharing of gifts and Lynda's Xmas breakfast. A few hours of intense social interaction and then the breakaway for a couple of hours of family quietness and preparations for the family feast. Turkey of course and all the trimmings with more sweets to follow and finally everyone is mellow and beginning to talk about the great day we had. It is over in a twinkle of an eye but the seeds are already sown for the next year. The kids are sorting out who will be here and who will not and so on.
These days are so important for the life of the family and the bonding that takes place. Even though we are a tight knit family we depend on these days to help us hold on to that special something which I call the family brand. To say I am proud of our family ties would be a true statement but I see something unique happening here as the family grows and reaches out to the extended families represented around our table.I sit in wonder to see the happy faces and the verbage expressed by the young ones and I think that this family is in good hands now and in the future.
I realized that the family tried to make this year special for Theresa and I because of the challenges we faced over the past months and they did just that.How can you thank a family for this expression of love except by being the best that you can in the days ahead.
These days are so important for the life of the family and the bonding that takes place. Even though we are a tight knit family we depend on these days to help us hold on to that special something which I call the family brand. To say I am proud of our family ties would be a true statement but I see something unique happening here as the family grows and reaches out to the extended families represented around our table.I sit in wonder to see the happy faces and the verbage expressed by the young ones and I think that this family is in good hands now and in the future.
I realized that the family tried to make this year special for Theresa and I because of the challenges we faced over the past months and they did just that.How can you thank a family for this expression of love except by being the best that you can in the days ahead.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Morning
Every Christmas is special. This year I am doubly blessed because of my desire to be well and on my way to a new life with walking and physical capabilities. My wish was granted and my objective of walking free without cane or walker became a reality. Last eve we gathered in the sun room and played music and ate goodies and drank our favourite drinks until midnight . Seeing a full day ahead we wisely went to bed only to wake up at 7am and Begin our Xmas rituals all over.
I love Xmas and this being my 75th has special significance. Our family gathering will be robust, noisy and loving as usual but there is a certain change in the family. We are all adults so we are waiting for the new surge of energy to come from the next generation to make the picture complete.With Doris holding her 94 years in check we have four generations around the table. It is a wonderful feeling to be part of a family who share common goals and values and get excited about the simple things in life.
So MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone and remember the true meaning and do something unselfish to make the world a better place in which to live.
I love Xmas and this being my 75th has special significance. Our family gathering will be robust, noisy and loving as usual but there is a certain change in the family. We are all adults so we are waiting for the new surge of energy to come from the next generation to make the picture complete.With Doris holding her 94 years in check we have four generations around the table. It is a wonderful feeling to be part of a family who share common goals and values and get excited about the simple things in life.
So MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone and remember the true meaning and do something unselfish to make the world a better place in which to live.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Time To Go South
With the warm weather continuing to keep our area in a summer like condition the birds are confused. First they flock and appear to head south and the they reappear again in numbers. The geese are seen in the open ponds and lakes in great numbers and every once in a while we see those flocks high in the sky swooping down and staying instead of going south to a warmer climate.
We have a holly tree in our front yard which is always heavily laden with red berries and captures the attention of robins and cardinals who live close by. This year we have been watching these birds to see when they make their move to leave. They seem to say they will leave when the last berry is enjoyed.
We have a holly tree in our front yard which is always heavily laden with red berries and captures the attention of robins and cardinals who live close by. This year we have been watching these birds to see when they make their move to leave. They seem to say they will leave when the last berry is enjoyed.
A View From The Past
Our little family were about to sit down for supper when our doorbell rang. I was down in the office so Doris answered the door and much to her surprise our neighbours were there with hands full of Xmas goodies and smiles a mile wide. As neighbours we have been close friends for the whole time we lived at this address.
Both my neighbour and myself have been having health issues for the past year and much time was used in a recovery mode. We have not really been able to socialize for some time and with the cold weather we were living indoors.
Today we were able to erase that void and in our hallway , in ten minutes we were able to reconnect and feel the camaraderie that we missed for some time. Xmas does that to neighbours. We have been sharing our home made wine, preserves and jams for years and I was so happy to see the tradition remain intact that I realized we have to get our Xmas box ready in the next few days.
This sharing of friendship between neighbours is one tradition that I felt so strongly while living in the Ottawa Valley where friends dropped in without an invitation and people naturally shared their home made goodies because it was the proper thing to do. It is good that this spirit is still alive here in Oakville and it reminds me of a little view from the past.
Both my neighbour and myself have been having health issues for the past year and much time was used in a recovery mode. We have not really been able to socialize for some time and with the cold weather we were living indoors.
Today we were able to erase that void and in our hallway , in ten minutes we were able to reconnect and feel the camaraderie that we missed for some time. Xmas does that to neighbours. We have been sharing our home made wine, preserves and jams for years and I was so happy to see the tradition remain intact that I realized we have to get our Xmas box ready in the next few days.
This sharing of friendship between neighbours is one tradition that I felt so strongly while living in the Ottawa Valley where friends dropped in without an invitation and people naturally shared their home made goodies because it was the proper thing to do. It is good that this spirit is still alive here in Oakville and it reminds me of a little view from the past.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Our Founding Citizens
Anyone who has known me will attest to the fact that I have a genuine interest in our First Nations people. History paints a ugly picture of how we messed up our many opportunities to bring these valuable people into the Canadian fold. Without attaching blame to the historic facts of just how we attempted to eliminate our aboriginal people let me be clear; governments, churches and the military have in their own turn caused massive destruction to a proud and valuable people.
Maybe through ignorance, maybe through policy, the past 400 years have not been kind to the First Nations. Dreadful, short term policies have turned proud people into third world economic and social wasteland. Most Canadians have only heard or seen pictures of our native people. They rely on the snippets of information given through the movies or newspapers who paint an inglorious picture of our fellow Canadians.
Picture yourself as a free spirited, independent and totally free group suddenly overwhelmed by the movement of thousands of Europeans who stormed across Canada taking what they thought was valuable land, and leaving in tatters a bunch of now homeless people to fend for themselves without resources. Most were killed when they tried to defend their homeland and the rest were herded on to reserves of worthless land and expected to gain the Canadian Dream living in shacks without even the most basic needs attended to.
In 2011 our First Nations people for the most part are no better off than most developing world peoples. There are exceptions where some of the First Nations found themselves on resource-laden lands and did well. The Inuit are fairing a little better in most cases but the Canadian Indians in our cold northern areas are suffering.
Every time the First Nations sign a treaty with the Federal Government the plan falls short. and once again we do not fund at a proper level to enable our young people to be able to cope with the modern complexities of Canadian society.
There are over two million First Nations people in Canada and they could become a valuable resource for our starved labour economy and take their place in the multi-faceted job market instead of lingering outside the Canadian dream "world of plenty". One of my hopes for the year will be a new wave of conscientiousness towards our forgotten people and a new dawn of hope on the horizon.
Maybe through ignorance, maybe through policy, the past 400 years have not been kind to the First Nations. Dreadful, short term policies have turned proud people into third world economic and social wasteland. Most Canadians have only heard or seen pictures of our native people. They rely on the snippets of information given through the movies or newspapers who paint an inglorious picture of our fellow Canadians.
Picture yourself as a free spirited, independent and totally free group suddenly overwhelmed by the movement of thousands of Europeans who stormed across Canada taking what they thought was valuable land, and leaving in tatters a bunch of now homeless people to fend for themselves without resources. Most were killed when they tried to defend their homeland and the rest were herded on to reserves of worthless land and expected to gain the Canadian Dream living in shacks without even the most basic needs attended to.
In 2011 our First Nations people for the most part are no better off than most developing world peoples. There are exceptions where some of the First Nations found themselves on resource-laden lands and did well. The Inuit are fairing a little better in most cases but the Canadian Indians in our cold northern areas are suffering.
Every time the First Nations sign a treaty with the Federal Government the plan falls short. and once again we do not fund at a proper level to enable our young people to be able to cope with the modern complexities of Canadian society.
There are over two million First Nations people in Canada and they could become a valuable resource for our starved labour economy and take their place in the multi-faceted job market instead of lingering outside the Canadian dream "world of plenty". One of my hopes for the year will be a new wave of conscientiousness towards our forgotten people and a new dawn of hope on the horizon.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Time Is Flying
Today being the 18th I realize that a week from now most of our Xmas festivities will be over. The last few days Theresa has taken me out shopping with my cane or walker and I could not believe the courtesy shown me while making my way to elevators or doors. I was impressed and I wondered if this showing of good will was because of the Xmas spirit or the actual good feeling in humanity. I chose to think it is the latter.
While we were in the mall everyone was busy shopping and moving about with a agenda clearly written on their face. Stores are very busy and the outlook is for a successful business holiday season. In spite of the crowds and hurrying about there was one place front and center that caught our eye. It was Santa who had a mile long lineup of young faces whose eyes were straining to get a glimpse of the jolly old fellow. The marvel of just how Innocent young children are can be seen a mile away. We were the same many years ago and it is marvelous that the same magic still prevails today.
My task of getting in touch with all family and friends by phone is nearly complete and what a great task I have. Phone visits are so good for me and I feel a real connection after talking to people with whom I have had little association for a time. So time is flying and I better get to work and make a few more this evening.
While we were in the mall everyone was busy shopping and moving about with a agenda clearly written on their face. Stores are very busy and the outlook is for a successful business holiday season. In spite of the crowds and hurrying about there was one place front and center that caught our eye. It was Santa who had a mile long lineup of young faces whose eyes were straining to get a glimpse of the jolly old fellow. The marvel of just how Innocent young children are can be seen a mile away. We were the same many years ago and it is marvelous that the same magic still prevails today.
My task of getting in touch with all family and friends by phone is nearly complete and what a great task I have. Phone visits are so good for me and I feel a real connection after talking to people with whom I have had little association for a time. So time is flying and I better get to work and make a few more this evening.
Special Time
With eight grandchildren I am over blessed indeed. The nice problem is that I never have enough time to share personal one on one time with all of them. Because of the closeness to a few I see them often but the far away ones are not able to be with me close ,often enough for my liking. Today is an exception. Theresa and Doris are out for the afternoon with my oldest daughter for girl time and I have my two granddaughters all to myself for three hours or more.
These are the ones who are editing my children's stories and adding value to my starved vocabulary. When we get together we talk about world issues, women issues and the environment and we manage to solve every problem in our head.Time seems to pass so quickly and the little grandchildren have become mature ladies and you realize that the next generation is right around the corner. The happiness you reap at this time is the result of the times and efforts given to help make sure these people had every opportunity to grow up in a loving and nurturing society.
As you age there is no greater feeling than the one you get when in the presence of your family and you can say, what a wonderful bunch of people kids we belong to.
These are the ones who are editing my children's stories and adding value to my starved vocabulary. When we get together we talk about world issues, women issues and the environment and we manage to solve every problem in our head.Time seems to pass so quickly and the little grandchildren have become mature ladies and you realize that the next generation is right around the corner. The happiness you reap at this time is the result of the times and efforts given to help make sure these people had every opportunity to grow up in a loving and nurturing society.
As you age there is no greater feeling than the one you get when in the presence of your family and you can say, what a wonderful bunch of people kids we belong to.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Empathy Days
During the years I was in politics I was called upon to participate in many projects to help highlight human conditions which impacted lives of many invisible minorities. I always took the challenge and was a good sport about living in a wheel chair for twelve hours, walking with a walker for some time and using a walking cane. As a public figure I recognized the need for open access to buildings, curbs that could be mounted by wheelchairs and elevators to otherwise in accessible public areas. The public reacted and slowly the small city progressed and all recent contracts made access a part of all contracts.
For the last three weeks I have been required to use a walker and cane to make my way about. This is a small requirement when you consider that thousands of Canadians live in a wheel chair or other means of travel and deal with the discomfort and inconvenience of such an arrangement. During these weeks of my semi confinement I have been thinking of ways to make life better for these folks. Times have been kinder and progress made with technology. A few days ago Theresa and I were stopped at a red light in downtown Oakville and we could not help but remark when we observed motorized wheelchairs at every intersection.
I was issued a handicapped parking card and it really is a good thing but all too often the spaces are taken up by people who do not need to use them.One of my Xmas wishes is that people will be aware of people who are dealing daily with mobility issues and to be courteous and make someone smile and say thanks to you for helping in any way to make life a little easier. I know they will appreciate it and you will be able to do a good turn.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
What a Joke
I always thought that to show leadership you presented your best foot forward to show your commitment to the project. If it is finance you have a person who understands the financial issues and is able to lead. If it is transportation you find someone who can lead in the field to show your commitment to the position. In the world today there is no greater issue than the environment. Every country in the world is concerned and willing to become involved in a solution.
In Canada we are not the worst polluter but for decades we have been a leader in pushing the green house gas agenda and offering world class leadership in the field. We have world recognized advocates who have made the world environment their life,s mission. For the last ten years we have become a catalyst for emerging nations to cling to the hope that a solution was available. We were a beacon of sober judgement on our own wasteful and dangerous contribution to the problem. Our rush to use our natural resources in the tar sands to float the economy of Alberta and the huge oil interests has clouded the federal policies to the degree that they have taken the retro step in dropping out of the one solid program called Kyoto.
Many observers have come to the conclusion that our governments dropout was motivated to cover up the lack of progress in meeting their expected goals set out in the treaty.
Our government positioned a cabinet minister who knows how to read scripted notes to frustrate parliament when the environment is going to hell in a hand basket. Instead of having a world class person leading the way for the world and shouting from the mountain tops of the need we have appointed a good, well respected person to this task and immediately turned him into a puppet. How sad to see Peter fumbling for his scripted papers when asked a question. Freed to be open and aggressive for his mandate he could be a tower of strength and could return Canada to its place in the world as a positive force rather than a eunuch when it comes to our environment.
There are people and groups who are watching this charade in parliament and will not be silenced. My new year's wish for the environment is that individuals in Canada will carry the torch and become greener in their own life and aid and abet such projects that further our move to a cleaner and more sensitive society and hope that some sense will come to our leadership and tip the scales in favour of our Canada.
In Canada we are not the worst polluter but for decades we have been a leader in pushing the green house gas agenda and offering world class leadership in the field. We have world recognized advocates who have made the world environment their life,s mission. For the last ten years we have become a catalyst for emerging nations to cling to the hope that a solution was available. We were a beacon of sober judgement on our own wasteful and dangerous contribution to the problem. Our rush to use our natural resources in the tar sands to float the economy of Alberta and the huge oil interests has clouded the federal policies to the degree that they have taken the retro step in dropping out of the one solid program called Kyoto.
Many observers have come to the conclusion that our governments dropout was motivated to cover up the lack of progress in meeting their expected goals set out in the treaty.
Our government positioned a cabinet minister who knows how to read scripted notes to frustrate parliament when the environment is going to hell in a hand basket. Instead of having a world class person leading the way for the world and shouting from the mountain tops of the need we have appointed a good, well respected person to this task and immediately turned him into a puppet. How sad to see Peter fumbling for his scripted papers when asked a question. Freed to be open and aggressive for his mandate he could be a tower of strength and could return Canada to its place in the world as a positive force rather than a eunuch when it comes to our environment.
There are people and groups who are watching this charade in parliament and will not be silenced. My new year's wish for the environment is that individuals in Canada will carry the torch and become greener in their own life and aid and abet such projects that further our move to a cleaner and more sensitive society and hope that some sense will come to our leadership and tip the scales in favour of our Canada.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Dreaming Of A White Xmas
The weather outside is warm and the grass is greener than some times in the summer but I am dreaming of a white Xmas. I don't mean snow and all that but the kind of Xmas when everyone gets together and it is like old times. This year our whole family are fortunate to share our time under one roof and recharge those family connections. We are always close and get together many times during the year but from the very beginning our immediate family were so much into the closeness that for years all four of our children slept in the same bed on Xmas eve.
There is something special about the festive season and even with all the commercialism and hype for spending there remains that strong bright desire to reach for a higher meaning of Xmas. We manage to share gifts, food and drinks but there is the bond as seen when I sit back and watch the interaction among the eight grandchildren. It is as clear as crystal that they share something special being part of a larger family and the giggles and chatter fills the room with love and sacred markings which say we are family.
Theresa and I are so fortunate to have healthy children and grandchildren with whom we are able to share our lives and I often think how lonesome it would be to find yourself without family. At Xmas we should attempt to connect with friends and family and bring a little cheer into the lives of folks who may not be as fortunate as we. So when I say I am dreaming of a white Xmas I mean that I am ready to open my mind to sharing with all who surround us and to add a spark of love and comfort into their lives.
There is something special about the festive season and even with all the commercialism and hype for spending there remains that strong bright desire to reach for a higher meaning of Xmas. We manage to share gifts, food and drinks but there is the bond as seen when I sit back and watch the interaction among the eight grandchildren. It is as clear as crystal that they share something special being part of a larger family and the giggles and chatter fills the room with love and sacred markings which say we are family.
Theresa and I are so fortunate to have healthy children and grandchildren with whom we are able to share our lives and I often think how lonesome it would be to find yourself without family. At Xmas we should attempt to connect with friends and family and bring a little cheer into the lives of folks who may not be as fortunate as we. So when I say I am dreaming of a white Xmas I mean that I am ready to open my mind to sharing with all who surround us and to add a spark of love and comfort into their lives.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Final Words On Hospital Life before Xmas.
Fifteen days in a mans life may not seem like a long time but what occured during that time can mean everything. I will give a few facts and figures which will tell much of the story. I was attended to by two chief Dr's. who performed the surgery.Twelve other Dr's. had a hand in the process as well as in the recovery. I was housed in three different rooms in two different departments. The spinal unit kept me for one week and then I was in re-hab for another week.
The re-hab week was a bonus because I had a small blood clot. I was taught how to dress myself, wash myself, get up and down without flexing my spine and how to walk with a walker and a cane. Managing steps was very important and was supervised every time by at least one if not two people. I was cleared after every session with a test and a colored sticker was placed on my walker. Since you walk on the day after your surgery it is important that you protect the gift you just received.
I walked 4500 meters during the days I was there and climbed 580 steps. I was attended to by no less than 14 different nurses and every one was just great. I never had a slice of bread nor and egg during the entire time I was there but the food was good for hospital food.
I kept these facts to keep me focused but in the end the fact that stands out is that not a cent was passed and I received world class medical attention from a system that cares for we Canadians. I am proud of the way I was cared for and thankful for the opportunity of a life changer.
The re-hab week was a bonus because I had a small blood clot. I was taught how to dress myself, wash myself, get up and down without flexing my spine and how to walk with a walker and a cane. Managing steps was very important and was supervised every time by at least one if not two people. I was cleared after every session with a test and a colored sticker was placed on my walker. Since you walk on the day after your surgery it is important that you protect the gift you just received.
I walked 4500 meters during the days I was there and climbed 580 steps. I was attended to by no less than 14 different nurses and every one was just great. I never had a slice of bread nor and egg during the entire time I was there but the food was good for hospital food.
I kept these facts to keep me focused but in the end the fact that stands out is that not a cent was passed and I received world class medical attention from a system that cares for we Canadians. I am proud of the way I was cared for and thankful for the opportunity of a life changer.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Home Again
Fifteen days away from home and blogging. Today just before noon I walked through my front door on my own under the watchful eye of Theresa May. I was greeted by Doris who missed me. I had a look around and everything was the same. What a wonderful feeling to return home.....there is no place like it.
After hospital food for 15 days I began to immediately make a real stew. Theresa got the meat from the freezer and I started with the veggies. I realized that you can't have a stew without a turnip so I asked Theresa to buy one coming home from the pharmacy. With that task completed I was herded down to the recreation room and seated in front of the fireplace. With the TV clicker in one hand and apple juice and pretzels in the other and a blanket covering my legs , the welcome home treatment was complete.
I kind of had to shake my head to see if it was real. The last few days I saw many things that turned out to be imaginative things. Well this time it is real and I really am home again.
After hospital food for 15 days I began to immediately make a real stew. Theresa got the meat from the freezer and I started with the veggies. I realized that you can't have a stew without a turnip so I asked Theresa to buy one coming home from the pharmacy. With that task completed I was herded down to the recreation room and seated in front of the fireplace. With the TV clicker in one hand and apple juice and pretzels in the other and a blanket covering my legs , the welcome home treatment was complete.
I kind of had to shake my head to see if it was real. The last few days I saw many things that turned out to be imaginative things. Well this time it is real and I really am home again.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Guest Post: Notes from the Ward
I think the gold star treatment he has been getting on the spinal ward must be pretty good, because Pops seems to be really comfortable in his surroundings. He calls his nurses by name and they are barely out the door before he can tell you where they live, their educational background and other personal tidbits about them. I shouldn't be surprised; he is a people person after all.
Tonight when I walked into the room I saw my good old dad smiling back at me. He no longer looked like a vulnerable patient, although I know he still needs lots of help reaching for things. That leads me to the two "grabbers" he has tucked in close beside him that he uses to pull up his blankets and pick up things. They look like formidable weapons!
I asked him if he had any message for this guest post and he smiled and said, "write that in the beginning the concern was all about spines and nerves and now it is all about bladders and bowels!".
And on that note, I'll close by saying how proud I am of his progress. He is weeks ahead of where he expected to be and is a superstar yet again. Nite Pops. Don't let the bed bugs bite!
Tonight when I walked into the room I saw my good old dad smiling back at me. He no longer looked like a vulnerable patient, although I know he still needs lots of help reaching for things. That leads me to the two "grabbers" he has tucked in close beside him that he uses to pull up his blankets and pick up things. They look like formidable weapons!
I asked him if he had any message for this guest post and he smiled and said, "write that in the beginning the concern was all about spines and nerves and now it is all about bladders and bowels!".
And on that note, I'll close by saying how proud I am of his progress. He is weeks ahead of where he expected to be and is a superstar yet again. Nite Pops. Don't let the bed bugs bite!
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Hey - no hanky panky: he can't bend, reach or lift for 3 months! |
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