Monday, June 20, 2011

Counting The Days

Surgery is way ahead on the 30 Th but I am becoming short of time to do all the things I have to finish before that date. The garden will be perfect and all weeds killed or fatally wounded, fruit trees sprayed for the last time and grass short as possible. I started a project of enhancing a garden around a front yard tree and regret the enthusiasm I felt when I was presented with 350 free bricks.

Since I completed the old structure 10 years ago I never realized how trees love to send roots through every opening of the bricks I used originally. Each one fights to hold it's place in the ground and only an old fashioned miners pick will do the job. Slow and tedious but in the end worth while.

New railings have to be in lace for me to manage the stairs in this five level home. Lucky for me I have a son who will help. A toilet has to be replaced with a higher set one. I guess I shall feel like a king sitting on the new throne six inches higher than the old one. Actually many people are opting for the higher type so we will be right in style.

Our neighbour was kind enough to lend me her late husband's walker. A Cadillac model complete with a front basket and hand brakes. I hope to use it for only a few days but with our sidewalks in bad repair it might be a safety  concern and I appreciate the offer.

We have to keep a sense of humour with these situations and I am sure that my hospital stay and time regrouping will be a humbling experience. There are so many unanswered questions and when left to my imagination I smile to think of the ordinary functions becoming major distractions. My friend Doug recently had knee surgery and he said to make sure I buy a grabber to help me pick up essentials like socks, underwear and other items which are no problem ordinarily but are real problems when you can't bend properly.

In any case I shall try to be patient, a trait I never developed, and kind to my care givers. This will be a journey I shall remember for a long time.


  1. A new experience for you for sure == but something tells me that you will tackle it like you have every other challenge. You may not be a patient patient, but I have no doubt that you will be a kind one! And I will document every second for you -- and for future fodder for the blog!

  2. This is the first I have heard of your surgery. I hope all goes well and the recovery is painless and quick. Waiting for something like that has to be a little unnerving. I do wish you well.


Ï'm interested in what you think ...