Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dreary Weather

The last few weeks have been dreary from a weather perspective but good for the garden and trees.A damp fall brings needed moisture to the ground and the trees have a good water base for winter. The garlic I planted only six days ago is now sprouting well and I fear it will grow too much before snow cover.

Strawberries I transplanted several weeks ago have been sending out runners and are healthy. I shall cover them with mulch for the winter and clear the mulch in the spring. This year I had some peach curl on my nectarine tree and I have to be careful to collect all the leaves and destroy them as well as treat the tree fall and spring to get rid of that disease.

I was in a transplanting mood and moved my two high bush blueberry trees to a new location. Cedar droppings stunted these young trees and I had no berries this year. I moved some of the rhubarb for the same reason and should have more success next year..

We have a problem with sunlight as tall trees surround our property and this cuts the direct sunlight to a few hours a day in the front and back parts of our lot. The side spaces are narrow but get plenty of sunlight and do well. Unfortunately they are narrow .

The weather is so important and here in Southern Ontario a late frost in spring or an early fall freeze up can be disastrous. I am ready early this year and have put all my plants to bed and the beds prepared for planting next spring. I make the mistake of gathering the seeds for next year and not labeling them. This fall I have done this for the first time and should be off and running in the spring if I can remember where I put them for safe keeping. Dreary weather is really not that bad.

1 comment:

  1. My trees have matured so much that I think I will abandoned growing a vegetable garden. I have mature silver maples that I won't take down and the newer specimen trees I have placed really do shade things a lot of the day.


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