Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Every ten years the USA holds its census. This very important count determines the federal grants to the states and local governments. Florida and other sun belt states have a severe challenge in making sure everyone is counted. There are millions of illegal people living in fear of being deported so they avoid the count.

For every citizen or person living in a state the federal government doles out $1200 unconditionally to help pay for services like fire, police and education. It is required that everyone be counted as in Florida there are estimates as high as several million people who miss the count. Last census there was only a 73% return of the forms circulated.

With the USA having a population of somewhere around 330,000,000, a percentage point represents a huge number of people. This year the government has simplified the forms, swear anonymity and are spending huge dollars to get it right.

Another side affect is the migration of people from the north to the south. Seats in the house are determined by population so there is a power shift as well. It will take time to see the results but it will be interesting to see the changing ethnic patterns and population shifts in America.

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Ï'm interested in what you think ...