Friday, February 5, 2010

Haiti's Sick and Needy

It has been some time now since the tragic earthquake.We in Florida are feeling the impact in real terms not just on TV. The very needy sick people requiring hospital care are flowing into the state by the hundreds to receive medical procedures not available in Haiti. The good hospitals are filled to capacity and they still come by the planeload.

This needed care has stretched the resources to the extreme and the cost will be enormous. The state has asked for help and is receiving some. The local people are starting to complain with cause but this situation will not soon be resolved. Where is the government of that country. Only the president has been sighted and there is no structure to deliver the aid on a long term basis.

Infrastructure is required and a long term aid program under the United Nations is an absolute necessity. Some countries like Cuba and Venezuela are calling the United States presence of 18,000 soldiers an invasion so we should act quickly to correct this situation. There is a tremendous opportunity to employ thousands of Haitians rebuilding the cities,roads and facilities.

The money is there but there needs to be the will. This nation has a golden opportunity to stand and work together. They could come out of this tragic mess a better country. Haiti was nothing but the poorest third world country racked with poverty, crime and turmoil. This may be the last real chance for them to succeed. If they do we will all succeed through our generosity`and caring`spirit.```


  1. You are right in that this is a golden opportunity that there is the potential for (with the help and involvement of many)Haitians to transform their country and rise victorious - better than ever - from the ashes.

  2. It's not easy. It takes a lot of money and oversight. If they have no building and engineering oversight they'll botch the whole thing. Quite a mess.


Ï'm interested in what you think ...