Friday, July 17, 2009


Everyone had a great time.The whole family minus one showed up for the family get together. The weather was perfect and the atmosphere matched the day as we celebrated family in our special way. We ate turkey and pork tenderloin with all the trimmings. It was a group effort as the food came with the guests and by the time it was all over there was still room for the birthday cake to top it all off.

The many gifts given to the birthday girl Theresa were opened and made it all look like Christmas once more. Having your 65th is special and was recognized in so many ways. The cards and personal messages would bring a tear to a glass eye and caused Theresa to say it was her best birthday ever.

Picture taking documents the event and will bring back fond memories of a wonderful family occasion. The fact that we celebrate any occasion by coming together reinforces the importance of family and friends. This year we will have other times that will cause us to repeat the good feelings generated yesterday. We are going to try to have a a similar meeting when our west coast niece (WCN) visits us from BC.

On this day many of our family will be meeting our niece and cousin for the first time. Since we are a noisy bunch I hope we don't scare her off. She will be our special friend on this occasion and a new member of our clan from this time on.

We will be eating leftovers and turkey soup for a few days which will give us a chance to revisit our family day. Those cooking smells always conjure up happy thoughts and motivate us to look forward to our next clan gathering.


  1. I'd just finished read Lyn's post, which is surprising similar. ;) Again, I'm glad you guys had a great time! Family gatherings are always wonderful. :)

  2. Great pic! Looking forward to meeting "the clan" and hearing the stories!! We're pretty hardy out here on the left coast and we don't scare easily :)


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