My daughter Lyn has the ability the write blogs that take the newness from mine. It is like a reporter who files a story just before you and winning the news of the day.I planned to write about organic gardening as many of my friends practise this hobby to great ends.
I personally have been using this method for about 50 years and found it to be a little more difficult to get the same results but there is
satisfaction to know you are helping the environment and your health. We have 4
composters and right now they are full. My neighbour has given up the practise because like my daughter, has not seen any
magnificent results.
We receive as many as 15 wheel barrows of good black, fine soil each year.We supplement this with many barrels of compost from the
Halton land fill site. Our vegetable garden now has about 15 inches of soft, black topsoil in place of the red clay which is what we started with. It took 10 years years but the yields have
multiplied and the produce is beautiful.
One has to be prepared to have problems with insects and
mildew but
remedies are available. My friend John from Pembroke just plants enough for himself and the other. I do the same but still use homegrown recipes for protection from the other (pests and mildew) and they are partially effective.
I never heard of organic when I was growing up and still look at the produce in the supermarket and ask myself, " what is the difference?". The difference to me is you are not
ingesting the multitude of chemicals and pollutants used by corporate farms to get the product faster and larger than nature planned. The difference is in the taste and all you have to do is taste a Florida tomato and compare it to an organic tomato from Ontario or anywhere in Canada.
As I look at my garden this year I am thankful for the years that I did the right thing without knowing it and am trying to educate more people in the art and fun of organic gardening. And
thank you Lyn for your lead on my blog.