Saturday, May 31, 2014

Conservative Ideology

Canada is sponsoring a world conference on the international aid to women and children in third world countries. Everyone would agree that Canada makes a great contribution of millions of dollars the aid the women who have babies. The Canadian aid does not come without conditions. Because of the ideology of the PM and his party the contribution we make cannot be used for family planning or abortions.

WHO, the world health organization realizes that helping the women and girls who have babies is a noble cause but they also realize that birth control, family planning and abortions in sanitary conditions by professional Doctors would save thousands of lives as well. In countries where rape is a weapon of war abortions for children would save lives and huge amount of resources taking care of unwanted babies. Condoms have been given to the people of Africa and have been used as birth methods with some countries and have greatly aided the women of those regions.

Canada has been a world leader in the field of family planning and aiding children who have suffered from rape or abuse at the hands of uncaring people. Canada as a whole would give our money to the world organization and help producing programs resulting in fewer unwanted births and saving money because there would be fewer children to service. Our PM and Foreign Secretory will pound their chests and brag about what a great job they are doing not realizing the world needs a total program and not a short sighted feeding of a never ending number of needy babies.

Get the program right and start with the education leading to family planning and birth control to stem the tide of millions of children Forget the PM's ideology for once and do the right thing.

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