Sunday, May 4, 2014

Canada And The Ukraine

Canada has made a strong case for supporting the new government of the Ukraine. Sending a small token force to Poland and NATO has just been that...a token force. However we all know the slippery slope when we get involved in foreign disputes. The leaders of our country do not go to war but send our military away in harms way.

We were involved in countries around the world as peacekeepers and lost few of our military and were recognized for our efforts. We turned our military into a fighting force and the result was the destruction of thousands of lives. Some killed in the line of duty but so many wounded physically and  even more stress related casualties

We are not going to go to war with Russia over the Ukraine so use our little voice of reason in the diplomatic arena and stop the politically motivated posturing which makes us look stupid on the world scene. Get Baird home before he does more damage to our already tarnished reputation..

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