Thursday, February 13, 2014

Election Budget

There was some hope that the government of the day would have addressed some of the real needed issues facing Canadians today but it did not happen.Unfortunately the Conservatives have brought in a document which is a pre- election budget to set the table for a balance budget next year.

Most Canadians welcome the idea of a balanced budget as they had ones with Paul Martin for years. In fact when the conservatives gained power there was a healthy surplus. We now have a large debt load which has to be attended to but not on the backs of programs that are needed for the middle class.

There are so many problems with this document that it would take pages just to list them. There are some initiatives that are worthy and should be debated but this government with a majority will push through the legislation without enough debate.A do nothing budget will in the long run only put off needed programs required for our 300,000 unemployed youth and real programs for our veterans who are in great need of care.

I am frustrated with the way parliament is treating the elected members and the small rat pack that control every move on behalf of our Country. WE need a realistic plan for a foreign policy and not a love in with one middle east country. We burned more world bridges during the past few years that it will take years to restore our standing in the world in matters of aid, environment, foreign agreements and honesty when dealing with Canada's stand on world issues.

I will watch and write and hope that our nation will rid this Ultra Right Wing Conservative Group who weld power as if it were their personal right and not the will of the Canadian People.

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