Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sounds of the Night

Last evening was a perfect time to listen for the sounds of the night. There was a small moon presence so the sky was dark except for stars that stood out because of the low humidity. The sound that dominated the air was the crickets. It seemed like every cricket was chirping and there were plenty. In the early evening the cicada's gave up there singing and closed out a day where their voices dominated the neighbourhood. Every few years these large insects come in numbers and for a few weeks they make their presence known. This was one of those days.

As the sun went down the day birds gave their last tweets and became silent. We have some song sparrows which persist right up to sunset and they do have a lovely song. Our cardinals call out with their loud demanding voice and answering calls keep them in contact with their brood.The noisiest of our local birds and probably one of the most beautiful is the Blue Jay. We have many and this time of the year they seem to come in flocks or at least in numbers as they begin to call in the morning and you can trace their location long after they leave by their shrill calls. This evening they were absent from our immediate area but I could hear a few off in the distance.

The local bus and a few motorcycles interrupt the tranquility of our back yard but only for a moment. Some chickadees were fluttering in the apple tree and were selfish with their few weak tweets. Usually as night falls we hear them in the still air.
Everything seems to go quiet at the same time as with a signal that says it is time to go o bed. We have these vines that grow out of control along our fence line and on the sides of our home. They become home to birds who come for the berries which the vines produce and a safe place to roost for the night. This evening all is still except for the sound of the berries dropping from the vines caused by the roosting birds. The sounds of the night return to reality and the cars and trucks travelling on the QEW take over and provide us with that white sound we no longer head. Mosquito's buzz and make us realize it is time for we to take cover in the comfort of our home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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