Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cool Breezes Blowing

For the first night since early May the cool evening breeze made sleep with an open window a pleasure and bonus. Every year there is a crossover from real summer to that time when you know fall is just around the corner. We have experienced one of the hottest and driest June -July in history. Trees are stressed and crops effected but Mother Nature took care of that during the last three days with ample rainfall and a light show to make us all aware of her power.

We talk of climate change all the time and this year we have been given the evidence as we watch the world  reports of extremes. Floods here, drought there and extremes nearly everywhere. The Sun Belt of the USA is experiencing temperatures which caused concern as rivers dried up, lakes are at dangerous levels and no relief in sight.

Before we left Florida in May we were in the middle of a 80 year drought which threatened agriculture and every phase of life. Difficulties have become the engine of creativity. Since 40 percent of the water we use domestically is caused by the use of toilets the companies have now a multitude of these necessary instruments which use little and in some cases no water. Green power production using the sun and wind are helping and will become more efficient and widely used.

People will come up with answers to our needs and new industries will rise from the chronic need for newer and better solutions to our problems.In the meantime I personally love the weather when it offers warm days and cool evenings with a cool breeze.

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