Monday, April 18, 2011

Working With The System (medical)

Frustration is not the word about how I feel at this point as Theresa and I are attempting to get Doris much needed help. As we have Medi Pac Insurance sponsored through the Snow Birds I thought everything would be fine if we needed help. Except for a few minor needs Theresa and I were very satisfied with our coverage. Theresa's Mom who is 93 experienced difficulty a few days ago and it has been a nightmare ever since.

The first hospital was attentive and offered great service to take care of her needs. The insurance company however decided that she should be moved 40 miles away as the rates were less expensive. That receiving hospital also was great and gave her excellent care and made her comfortable and safe as as her condition had to do with the heart. The attending Doctor also gave her exceptional care but recommended that she should have a procedure which had to be approved by the insurance company.

The Medi PAC authorities decided against the procedure and made plans to medic vac her back to Canada. That was last Wednesday and here we are coming up on to Tuesday with Doris still in ICU with no move being made. Every day we visit and inquire and the same answer comes back to us. There is no Ontario Hospital with a bed to receive her. The explanation is that because she is from out of country she will require a ICU room with isolation. So here we are over a week with a needy senior lady without a home base hospital to take her in. I can see the game being played and it is so frustrating.

The attending Dr here will perform the procedure if she is not moved by tomorrow. That will mean days more here in Florida and if followup is required she will then be transferred home. The Florida hospitals are not at fault and have been fine but it is the Insurance system and their inability to get a room in Ontario.

We hope for Doris's sake this will be settled by tomorrow. I guess I am not too good working with insurance companies who put profit before people. Tonight I will go to sleep with one thing on my mind. Will tomorrow be the end of this nightmare?


  1. It does sound like a frustrating situation. When my father in law was ill, he was too old for them to care and they would send him home when he should have been hospitalized.

  2. What a flipping mess! She better get the care she needs!!


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