Friday, June 18, 2010


Other than our First Nations People everyone who make up our total population are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. America became the new home of millions of people from all corners of the world. Most of these new folk came because of special circumstances. Famine, religious persecution, chance for a better life or a thousand other reasons. These people enriched their new homeland and helped to make it prosper.

There was such an abundance of good land available that the new settlers quickly made a good life for their families. With special skills and talents came a new culture. A vigorous workforce and a need for services brought more professionals to this country and soon Canada and USA were leading the world in new ideas and technology.

All this activity caused the USA to become a melting pot of society. In Canada these was more room for individuals to maintain their identity and many immigrants settled together and formed a community with a homeland flavour. Throughout the west there are enclaves of distinct connections with their mother country. This has brought Canada to adapt a multi-cultural policy. People felt comfortable with familiar surroundings and people who spoke their native tongue.

This strength has also been a weakness as some of the immigrants brought with them cultural baggage. Some groups still were fighting their demons from their old homeland and this has caused problems. Recently there have been a rash of so called honour killings. There is no such thing in Canada as it is murder here and this clash of culture is painful.

New Canadians who grouped together maintained the richness of their former motherland's cultural while becoming true Canadians. Our first true Canadians are being recognized for their unique status as our First Nations and land claims settlements are being written to define that point. The largest land settlement agreement was the Nunavut agreement. One fifth of Canada's land mass was deeded to the Inuit as well as Territory status bestowed on this first nation.

Canada is revising their immigration policy to reflect new trends and we trust that our doors will remain open to suitable people wishing to make Canada their home. For sure immigration is the lifeblood for growth in Canada and will make our nation stronger and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. How moving Pops! I agree - the influx of peoples from other lands and cultures enrich our country and evolve our nation to new heights. It is critical that we embrace the best parts of the collective cultures while also maintaining those qualities and values that are near and dear to us -- the respect for and protection of life (jsut to mention a few). These are non-negotiable and should not be regarded as cultural differences. There is no room for the infliction of pain, torture, indignity and death on another human being. Canada should be the safe and free place to land!


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