Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Love Letters

I am a collector and as such never throw out anything that I seem important. After several hours of cleaning up my files I came across this pack of letters from Theresa. All bundled up with a ribbon  to keep them separate from the routine mail. These letters were so personal and so important for our future life that I kept every one.

As I was cleaning up I stopped in mid stream and began to read these beautiful long letters from my loved one. We were thousand of kms from each other and letters were the main manner of communication. As I read these letters I realized again the tremendous feelings portrayed through words written by hand.

These letters are a great inspiration for me to realize the feelings expressed were the foundation of our future marriage. Theresa and I had a genuine understanding about love and marriage. We talked, fantasized and planned our future by committing our feelings towards verbal and the written word.Sometimes we projected our future with a five or ten year plan. We always plan and then make sure we reach our goal.

In our early love letters we spelled out what was important for us and we realized that we had the same goals. That made it easy for us to work our plan. Theresa's love letters were a revelation after more than ten years of marriage as they revealed the same objectives. for our future happiness.

Sometimes we forget the commitments we make when we marry and sometimes we just decide to forget about those ideas we had when we were madly in love. Theresa and I keep ourselves at the high alert by regularly going back to the beginning. Love letters are a wonderful way of keeping our commitments alive and after yesterday I have some bridge building to complete the promises we made when we wrote those wonderful and sweet love letters.

Love letters are the contract you make when you enter a love relation and because they are handwritten they are so ironclad. I love our contract and realize that this is the reality of a love relationship.

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