Friday, November 25, 2011

Guest Post: Onward and Upward

So after months of delay, dismay, regrouping, strategizing and preparation -- he underwent his surgery and came through the other side in fine form. He was rocking an off the shoulder, paisley cotton hospital-issued gown with bright blue paper slippers. I hear they are all the rage this year. His hair was swept in an up-do, off his face to accentuate volume and texture.

He emerged from his procedure humbled blue paper slippers will do that for you, relieved, elated, focused - and of course, in great pain. The surgeon assured the congregated clan that the procedure was a success and that he will be on the mend and vertical in no time.

Dad is grateful that the surgery is behind him and is focused intently on his recovery. He outlined the next steps as he saw them and assured us that he would be up when we went to see him tomorrow.

As we left him to his self administering morphine pump and visions of a long night ahead he has no illusions, his sweet good night and smile were like elixirs for worried hearts.

Good night Pops. Rest well, for tomorrow. the real work begins. Onward and upward and that will probably involve stairs!



  1. Beautiful post DIH! Sensitive, humorous, just the right amount of positive information and full of hope for many more tomorrows. Your dad WILL lead the charge and be your shining example now and always.

  2. That's wonderful news Lyn. After all the drama added to an already dramatic event I'm sure everyone is happy for an anti-climactic ending.

    Now as you say, "Onward and upward."
    Best to all.


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