Tuesday, July 3, 2012

65 Years Ago

Back 65 years ago we celebrated with a migration to Groves Point. Because few people had cars the only transportation that could be mustered up was to get Buck Ashe to clean up his huge truck and carry us out to the Point for a picnic and swim.This truck was a ten ton job with an open box which could hold up to 25 people. He would take us out on the 12 mile drive, drop us off and return in the evening to take us home.

The drive was fun and as we arrived at the beach site everyone would run to get the choice spots under the big trees for shade. Blankets were laid out and the boxes laden with the lunches would be stored close by. We children would find a convenient place to change into our bathing suits and we would be off to the beach for hours of sunshine and swimming.

The adults would sometimes swim or group on the sandy beach keeping watch over we children. I would break away from the group and sneak up the nearby Glenn and follow a trial to a small waterfall. Usually we would see deer along the way and on the way back we would take a different trail and emerge near the beach.

Mom and the adults would move away from the beach and prepare the lunch. A loud voice would call us together for lunch.An open fire made smokey tea and Mom's salad with her special mustard dressing was always served. Potato salad and ham on plates balanced on shivering knees caused by the long time spent in the cold water was our table. It seemed everything we ate had a special taste and the good humour among the family and friends made the day memorable.

After lunch games were played on the open field. Usually a pickup game of ball kept us interested and entertained for some time. Everyone joined, even Mom and we all laughed when funny things happened.

The sound of music caught our ears so we gravitated to the fire which became larger as we kids gathered driftwood to feed the flames. A banjo, a violin would appear out of thin air and the singsong would begin. Shouts from the people seeking their favourite song made us forget about time. Hot dogs and marshmallows were produced and with hastily cut branches the party was nearly complete,

The beep of the horn from Buck Ashe's truck reminded us that the day was over.Sadly we packed up and crawled into the truck box, The little ones wrapped in blankets nearly sleeping from the day's activity saying that we should do this again next weekend. We arrived home tired and completely happy with having a great day at Groves Point with family and friends. This routine was followed many times during our young lives and remains even today one of those memories that stand out as just perfect.

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