Monday, March 9, 2015

Tip Of The Iceberg

Harper stated that our troops would not be placed in harms way on their raining mission. Yesterday our special forces men were not only in harms way but at the front and were shot at by our allies on returning to a safe place. Because they were shot at and killed they must have been returning from a space in front of the line. These men are well trained and followed the proper procedures to return safely back to their safe position. However they were dealing with foreign troops who were not so well trained and suffered the fatal consequences.

This is just the beginning as this Conservative Government is trying to win an election by scaring the Canadian people that they are in grave danger. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is more chance of our citizens being endangered by some of our people who are not properly treated  than some foreign element. We presently have enough and strong legislation to deal with the situation as it exists. This government is playing politics with a few incidents here at home. I would not be mistaken if I said that the present government caused the problem of foreign negative feelings as Harper has war mongered to a point where the rest of the world do not see us as a peace seeking and loving people but a puppy dog following the big dog (USA) in its military economy keeping the factories busy producing war material.

Our involvement in the Middle East and soon the Ukraine will have us deeply committed and the Canadian Armed Forces will once  again send our boys over there to die for what. There is no great honor in  fighting in the middle east as they have been fighting since time began and the Ukraine is as much Russian as it is a free country and eventually there will be a separation and much of the country will join Russia.

Perhaps our politicians should sign up for a term in the forces and return with a different attitude. The problems over there should be solved by the people who created them and we should back away, real far and keep our little armed forces at home and with the money we save provide a democratic government here and provide our citizens with essential services like health care, clean water and equal educational opportunities. Many of the most progressive countries in the world do not get involved in wars outside their boundaries. We could learn from them....war is evil.             

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