Having lived in a home for 16 years you get well used to where everything is and especially in the kitchen where there are so many different gadgets reside.We have only been here for one day and many of the items were placed in their new location by daughters so there will be a time of search and remember for us until we try to place them in a more familiar setting.
It is rather exciting to have the opportunity to surround yourself with new walls and windows. The new environment here is more spacious with a more open concept and looking out the kitchen window there is a preserve which should hold wildlife during the summer. Our former home enabled us to observe many birds and small animals as we lived near a large forested area.
I will not dwell upon the benefits received when you move but the results can be quite expansive. We thought we had downsized but today after one day in our new digs we have to start the process all over. We continue to have far too much stuff so Theresa and I have to cull the clothes, books and furniture to meet the demands of a space which can only hold so much. This will finally get us on tract to a better living agenda and less reliance on things that we think we need when in all reality they are just things we like.
Our adjustment will be quick and final and we intend to become better homemakers with less clutter.
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