Thursday, January 15, 2015

Money and Oil Cause a Double Standard on the World Stage

Never in our history has there been such a divide in the ethical world standards caused by greed and country interests. Wherever countries have a economic interest there is a increased interest in protecting those assets. Saudi Arabia is a good case in point. A few families control the country and have terrible record on human rights. Freedom is only a word used to describe the way of life of the controlling families. Every day we hear of ordinary citizens being denied ordinary rights but the big powers who need their oil just turn a blind eye.

In Africa the largest country Nigeria has more people being held in bondage, murdered and enslaved than we can imagine but because we do not have a economic interest we do nothing. We have stood back and witnessed tragic events happening in many countries in Africa and do little to correct the situation. I wonder what would happen if this was to take place in a white environment where we had an economic interest?

We now find ourselves singled out by ISIS because of our involvement in Iraq and Syria and fear reprisals. Had we taken the proper actions and been a peacekeeper rather than a bomber this would probably not happen. There is so much misery spread around the world that our policies have to have a long range plan. ISIS was centered in a small location in the Middle East but now it has diverted our energy an much of the world is worrying about attacks. The United Nations has been a failure because the powerful countries will not participate when decisions do not go their way. This causes the organization to have little teeth when it comes to action against the powers who have veto rights.

There is a clash of moral and ethical standards in the complex world and it will take real leadership to bring some sort of harmony to the troubled world..

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